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FileMaker Pro Database  |  1996-06-01  |  155KB  |  5,992 lines

  1. Intern@
  2. Clinical@
  3. Endocrinology@
  4. Genetics@
  5. Italiano@
  6. Perinatology@
  7. Genetics@
  8. Journal@
  9. Occupational@
  10. Prevention@
  11. Review
  12. HBAM2016AUG95
  13. Pro 3.0
  14. O4B14
  15. L,Mr$
  16. british
  17. journal
  18. plastic
  19. surgery@
  20. occupational@
  21. organs
  22. acta@
  23. comput
  24. detect@
  25. respir
  26. group
  27. health
  28. newsl
  29. hospw
  30. instrum
  31. integr
  32. comput@
  33. health
  34. policy@
  35. pediatr@
  36. kidney@
  37. mortal
  38. otolaryngol@
  39. psychol@
  40. recent
  41. alcohol@
  42. scand
  43. gastroenterol
  44. suppl@
  45. secur
  46. bull@
  47. north
  48. trends
  49. health
  50. ethics@
  51. administrative
  52. radiology@
  53. american
  54. american
  55. journal
  56. kidney
  57. diseases@
  58. american
  59. review
  60. respiratory
  61. disease@
  62. journal
  63. association
  64. operating
  65. nurses@
  66. american
  67. speech-language-hear
  68. behavior
  69. research
  70. therapy@
  71. HBAM3016AUG95@
  72. abuse
  73. acadA
  74. manage
  75. accidC
  76. accid
  77. prevC
  78. account
  79. acquir
  80. actaD
  81. anaesthesiol
  82. belgD
  83. anaesthesiol
  84. scandE
  85. cardiolF
  86. belgG
  87. neurochirH
  88. obstet
  89. gynecol
  90. scandI
  91. oncolJ
  92. ophthalmolK
  93. orthop
  94. belgL
  95. orthop
  96. scand
  97. supplM
  98. otolaryngol
  99. supplN
  100. paediatrO
  101. paediatr
  102. paediatr
  103. supplQ
  104. psychiatr
  105. scand
  106. supplR
  107. radiolS
  108. radiolT
  109. workU
  110. admin
  111. adolescV
  112. adolesc
  113. psychiatryV
  114. dataW
  115. biolX
  116. health
  117. health
  118. advis
  119. agingZ
  120. agents
  121. agingZ
  122. abuse
  123. academicB
  124. academic
  125. medicineB
  126. academyA
  127. academy
  128. management
  129. journalA
  130. accidentC
  131. accident
  132. analysis
  133. preventionC
  134. accounting
  135. acquired
  136. actaD
  137. anaesthesiologica
  138. belgicaD
  139. anaesthesiologica
  140. scandinavicaE
  141. cardiologicaF
  142. chirurgica
  143. belgicaG
  144. neurochirurgicaH
  145. obstetricia
  146. gynecologica
  147. scandinavicaI
  148. oncologicaJ
  149. ophthalmologicaK
  150. orthopaedica
  151. belgicaL
  152. orthopaedica
  153. scandinavica
  154. supplementumM
  155. oto-laryngologica
  156. supplementN
  157. paediatricaO
  158. paediatrica
  159. japonicaP
  160. paediatrica
  161. supplementQ
  162. psychiatrica
  163. scandinavicaR
  164. radiologicaS
  165. administrationU
  166. administration
  167. social
  168. workU
  169. administrativeT
  170. aging
  171. ahima
  172. care]
  173. prev_
  174. ajnra
  175. neuroradiola
  176. roentgenolb
  177. alcohol
  178. allergy
  179. allergy
  180. procd
  181. allied
  182. alskj
  183. alzheimere
  184. alzheimer
  185. assoc
  186. disorde
  187. physiciang
  188. heart
  189. assoc
  190. indian
  191. native
  192. health
  193. monogr
  194. therk
  195. cardioll
  196. nutrm
  197. patholn
  198. community
  199. psycholo
  200. carep
  201. childq
  202. emerg
  203. epidemiols
  204. forensic
  205. patholt
  206. gastroenterolu
  207. palliat
  208. palliat
  209. carev
  210. pharmw
  211. genetx
  212. infect
  213. controlz
  214. kidney
  215. genet~
  216. nephrol
  217. obstet
  218. gynecol
  219. occup
  220. otolaryngol
  221. pediatr
  222. hematol
  223. oncol
  224. perinatol
  225. rehabil
  226. psychiatry
  227. psychoanal
  228. public
  229. health
  230. respir
  231. pathol
  232. pharm
  233. psychol
  234. respir
  235. ambulatory
  236. anaesth
  237. anaesthesia
  238. anaesthesiolD
  239. analC
  240. analg
  241. anesth
  242. anesth
  243. analg
  244. anesthesiology
  245. allergy
  246. gynaecol
  247. suppl
  248. biochem
  249. emerg
  250. epidemiol
  251. hematol
  252. intern
  253. oncol
  254. ophthalmol
  255. rhinol
  256. laryngol
  257. pharmacother
  258. plast
  259. thorac
  260. public
  261. health
  262. anthroplasty
  263. anticancer
  264. anticancer
  265. antimicrob
  266. antimicrob
  267. agents
  268. chemother
  269. dermatol
  270. child
  271. emerg
  272. environ
  273. health
  274. psychiatry
  275. intern
  276. neurol
  277. ophthalmol
  278. orthop
  279. trauma
  280. otolaryngol
  281. pathol
  282. pediatr
  283. adolesc
  284. rehabil
  285. arctic
  286. arctic
  287. artery
  288. arthritis
  289. arthritis
  290. rheum
  291. artif
  292. artif
  293. organs
  294. artif
  295. organs
  296. assess
  297. assist
  298. assoce
  299. assur
  300. asthma
  301. audiol
  302. physician
  303. health
  304. public
  305. health
  306. ophthalmol
  307. obstet
  308. gynaecol
  309. australas
  310. australas
  311. radiol
  312. auton
  313. aviat
  314. aviat
  315. space
  316. environ
  317. bacteriol
  318. baillieres
  319. baillieres
  320. obstet
  321. gynaecol
  322. behav
  323. behav
  324. modif
  325. behav
  326. belgD
  327. benefits
  328. biochem
  329. biocommun
  330. biolX
  331. biomarkers
  332. biomed
  333. biomed
  334. instrum
  335. technol
  336. blood
  337. board
  338. marrow
  339. transplant
  340. heart
  341. anaesth
  342. audiol
  343. cancer
  344. pract
  345. dermatol
  346. pract
  347. psychol
  348. obstet
  349. gynaecol
  350. plast
  351. radiol
  352. rheumatol
  353. brain
  354. brain
  355. brain
  356. pathol
  357. breast
  358. breast
  359. cancer
  360. treat
  361. brookings
  362. brookings
  363. psychiatry
  364. assoc
  365. menninger
  366. health
  367. organ
  368. rheum
  369. world
  370. health
  371. organ
  372. burns
  373. health
  374. cadiovasc
  375. calcif
  376. calcif
  377. tissue
  378. calif
  379. calif
  380. healthc
  381. ethics
  382. assoc
  383. radiol
  384. physician
  385. anaesth
  386. physiol
  387. cardiol
  388. pharm
  389. radiat
  390. technol
  391. technol
  392. neurol
  393. occup
  394. oncol
  395. psychiatry
  396. public
  397. health
  398. assoc
  399. cancer
  400. cancer
  401. causes
  402. control
  403. cancer
  404. detect
  405. cancer
  406. epidemiol
  407. biomarkers
  408. cancer
  409. invest
  410. cardiolF
  411. cardiology
  412. cardiothorac
  413. cardiovasc
  414. care]
  415. caring
  416. health
  417. cataract
  418. cathet
  419. cathet
  420. cardiovasc
  421. diagn
  422. causes
  423. chaplain
  424. chemother
  425. chest
  426. childq
  427. child
  428. health
  429. child
  430. psychiatry
  431. child
  432. today
  433. child
  434. welfare
  435. chirG
  436. chronobiol
  437. chronobiol
  438. chronobiologia
  439. circulation
  440. clin^
  441. auton
  442. biochem
  443. chest
  444. electroencephalogr
  445. endocrinol
  446. dermatol
  447. rheumatol
  448. geriatr
  449. infect
  450. invest
  451. haematol
  452. manage
  453. microbiol
  454. neurol
  455. neurosurg
  456. neurosurg
  457. obstet
  458. gynecol
  459. oncol
  460. radiol
  461. orthop
  462. pediatr
  463. perform
  464. health
  465. perinatol
  466. pharm
  467. pharmacokinet
  468. pharmacol
  469. radiol
  470. transplant
  471. colon
  472. colorectal
  473. commun
  474. commun
  475. commun
  476. commun
  477. health
  478. communityo
  479. compr
  480. compr
  481. psychiatry
  482. compr
  483. comput
  484. comput
  485. comput
  486. biomed
  487. comput
  488. healthc
  489. comput
  490. imaging
  491. graph
  492. comput
  493. methods
  494. programs
  495. biomed
  496. comput
  497. consult
  498. consum
  499. contact
  500. contact
  501. dermatitis
  502. contemp
  503. contemp
  504. longterm
  505. controlz
  506. control
  507. trials
  508. corneal
  509. coron
  510. coron
  511. artery
  512. crisis
  513. critp
  514. north
  515. nurse
  516. psychiatry
  517. obstet
  518. gynecol
  519. pediatr
  520. rheumatol
  521. hematol
  522. blood
  523. transfus
  524. cutis
  525. cytometry
  526. cytopathol
  527. dataW
  528. death
  529. death
  530. decis
  531. defic
  532. dementia
  533. dentist
  534. dermatitis
  535. dermatol
  536. detect
  537. stand
  538. devices
  539. diabet
  540. diabet
  541. diabetes
  542. diabetes
  543. diabetes
  544. pract
  545. diagn
  546. diagn
  547. cytopathol
  548. digit
  549. colon
  550. rectum
  551. disabil
  552. disabil
  553. rehabil
  554. disch
  555. disch
  556. plann
  557. update
  558. disorde
  559. drugs
  560. econY
  561. edinb
  562. educ_
  563. electroencephalogr
  564. electrophysiol
  565. emergr
  566. emerg
  567. north
  568. emerg
  569. encephale
  570. endcrinol
  571. endocrinol
  572. endosc
  573. endoscopy
  574. endourol
  575. environ
  576. environ
  577. health
  578. perspect
  579. environ
  580. epidemiols
  581. epidemiol
  582. infect
  583. epidemiol
  584. epidemiology
  585. epilepsia
  586. epilepsy
  587. epilepsy
  588. suppl
  589. ergonomics
  590. estate
  591. ethics
  592. psychiatry
  593. neurosci
  594. heart
  595. anaesthesiol
  596. anaesthesiol
  597. suppl
  598. cancer
  599. cardiothorac
  600. microbiol
  601. infect
  602. pharmacology
  603. disord
  604. commun
  605. epidemiol
  606. obstet
  607. gynecol
  608. reprod
  609. pediatr
  610. pediatr
  611. oncol
  612. suppl
  613. respir
  614. respir
  615. health
  616. excell
  617. gerontol
  618. facil
  619. pract
  620. pract
  621. faulkner
  622. faulkner
  623. grays
  624. health
  625. consum
  626. regist
  627. financ
  628. focus
  629. manage
  630. forensict
  631. forensic
  632. formul
  633. fortune
  634. forum
  635. funct
  636. funct
  637. neurol
  638. fundam
  639. fundam
  640. pharmacol
  641. cardiol
  642. gastroenterolu
  643. gastroenterologist
  644. gastrointest
  645. gastrointest
  646. endosc
  647. gastrointest
  648. endosc
  649. psychiatry
  650. genetx
  651. ophthalmol
  652. geriatr
  653. geriatrics
  654. gerontol
  655. gerontologist
  656. gerontology
  657. graph
  658. grays
  659. group
  660. group
  661. gynaecol
  662. gynecolI
  663. gynecol
  664. oncol
  665. haematol
  666. haemost
  667. hastings
  668. hastings
  669. headache
  670. healthY
  671. health
  672. health
  673. health
  674. health
  675. financ
  676. health
  677. newsl
  678. health
  679. newsl
  680. health
  681. manage
  682. health
  683. reform
  684. health
  685. strateg
  686. manage
  687. health
  688. superv
  689. health
  690. devices
  691. health
  692. health
  693. health
  694. estate
  695. health
  696. facil
  697. manage
  698. health
  699. manage
  700. health
  701. manage
  702. technol
  703. health
  704. health
  705. health
  706. health
  707. policy
  708. health
  709. policy
  710. health
  711. health
  712. psychol
  713. health
  714. health
  715. health
  716. manage
  717. health
  718. health
  719. health
  720. health
  721. trends
  722. healthc
  723. healthc
  724. financ
  725. manage
  726. healthc
  727. forum
  728. healthc
  729. manage
  730. healthc
  731. inform
  732. hearth
  733. forum
  734. hematol
  735. hematother
  736. hepatology
  737. pract
  738. health
  739. horiz
  740. hospv
  741. hospw
  742. community
  743. psychiatry
  744. manag
  745. account
  746. ethics
  747. focus
  748. formul
  749. health
  750. health
  751. newsl
  752. mater
  753. manage
  754. mater
  755. manage
  756. pharm
  757. pract
  758. secur
  759. manage
  760. strategy
  761. technol
  762. topics
  763. hrmagazine
  764. toxicol
  765. hygie
  766. hypertension
  767. hypotheses
  768. imaging
  769. immune
  770. improv
  771. indianj
  772. infectz
  773. infect
  774. control
  775. epidemiol
  776. infection
  777. inform
  778. injury
  779. inquiry
  780. instrum
  781. instrum
  782. insur
  783. occup
  784. environ
  785. health
  786. psychopharmacol
  787. aging
  788. artif
  789. organs
  790. biomed
  791. comput
  792. cardiol
  793. monit
  794. comput
  795. pharmacol
  796. colorectal
  797. dermatol
  798. disord
  799. epidemiol
  800. group
  801. psychother
  802. gynaecol
  803. obstet
  804. gynecol
  805. pathol
  806. health
  807. assur
  808. health
  809. plann
  810. manage
  811. health
  812. psychiatry
  813. microbiol
  814. virol
  815. parasitol
  816. infect
  817. pediatr
  818. otorhinolarngol
  819. psychiatry
  820. radiat
  821. oncol
  822. rehabil
  823. technol
  824. assess
  825. health
  826. orthop
  827. integr
  828. integr
  829. integr
  830. healthc
  831. intellect
  832. intensive
  833. intensive
  834. medicine
  835. interface
  836. interiors
  837. intern
  838. internist
  839. interv
  840. invest
  841. invest
  842. radiol
  843. issues
  844. issues
  845. issues
  846. technol
  847. gastroenterol
  848. acquir
  849. immune
  850. defic
  851. syndr
  852. adolesc
  853. health
  854. aging
  855. health
  856. ahima
  857. allied
  858. health
  859. child
  860. adolesc
  861. psychiatry
  862. dermatol
  863. assoc
  864. transcr
  865. board
  866. pract
  867. assoc
  868. assoc
  869. geriatr
  870. assoc
  871. health
  872. policy
  873. assoc
  874. optom
  875. assoc
  876. osteopath
  877. assoc
  878. podiatr
  879. assoc
  880. nephrol
  881. ambulatory
  882. manage
  883. anthroplasty
  884. antimicrob
  885. chemother
  886. bacteriol
  887. psychol
  888. asthma
  889. biocommun
  890. photogr
  891. joint
  892. joint
  893. cadiovasc
  894. pharmacol
  895. assoc
  896. assoc
  897. cancer
  898. cardiothorac
  899. anesth
  900. cardiovasc
  901. manag
  902. cardiovasc
  903. cataract
  904. refract
  905. biochem
  906. suppl
  907. anesth
  908. comput
  909. endcrinol
  910. metab
  911. epidemiol
  912. ethics
  913. microbiol
  914. monit
  915. neurophysiol
  916. oncol
  917. pathol
  918. pharm
  919. pharmcol
  920. psychiatry
  921. psychol
  922. community
  923. health
  924. consult
  925. psychol
  926. contemp
  927. health
  928. policy
  929. digit
  930. imaging
  931. perspect
  932. emerg
  933. emerg
  934. endourol
  935. epidemiol
  936. community
  937. health
  938. pract
  939. forensic
  940. geriatr
  941. psychiatry
  942. neurol
  943. gerontol
  944. health
  945. health
  946. benefits
  947. health
  948. chaplain
  949. health
  950. health
  951. underserved
  952. health
  953. health
  954. health
  955. resour
  956. health
  957. polit
  958. policy
  959. health
  960. behav
  961. health
  962. policy
  963. healthc
  964. healthc
  965. manage
  966. healthc
  967. healthc
  968. manage
  969. heart
  970. transplant
  971. heart
  972. valve
  973. hematother
  974. allied
  975. infect
  976. hypertension
  977. infect
  978. intellect
  979. disabil
  980. invest
  981. dermatol
  982. laparoendoc
  983. laryngol
  984. ontol
  985. ethics
  986. admin
  987. health
  988. technol
  989. ethics
  990. philos
  991. virol
  992. health
  993. cancer
  994. assoc
  995. neurol
  996. neurosurg
  997. psychiatry
  998. neuroradiol
  999. neurosurg
  1000. staff
  1001. occup
  1002. orthop
  1003. sports
  1004. orthop
  1005. trauma
  1006. paediatr
  1007. child
  1008. health
  1009. palliat
  1010. pastoral
  1011. pathol
  1012. pediatr
  1013. pediatr
  1014. orthop
  1015. pediatr
  1016. psychol
  1017. pediatr
  1018. perinatol
  1019. pharm
  1020. biomed
  1021. pharm
  1022. pharmacol
  1023. pharm
  1024. pharm
  1025. technol
  1026. policy
  1027. manage
  1028. psychiatr
  1029. psycholinguist
  1030. psychosom
  1031. obstet
  1032. gynaecol
  1033. psychosom
  1034. public
  1035. health
  1036. public
  1037. health
  1038. policy
  1039. pract
  1040. physicians
  1041. edinb
  1042. health
  1043. refrac
  1044. corneal
  1045. reprod
  1046. rheumatol
  1047. rural
  1048. health
  1049. health
  1050. psychol
  1051. spinal
  1052. disord
  1053. alcohol
  1054. subst
  1055. abuse
  1056. thorac
  1057. cardiovasc
  1058. trauma
  1059. interv
  1060. radiol
  1061. virol
  1062. methods
  1063. joint
  1064. improv
  1065. perspect
  1066. kennedy
  1067. kennedy
  1068. ethics
  1069. kidney{
  1070. labor
  1071. lancet
  1072. laparoendoc
  1073. laparosc
  1074. laryngol
  1075. contemp
  1076. probl
  1077. leadersh
  1078. leadersh
  1079. health
  1080. longterm
  1081. making
  1082. manag
  1083. manageA
  1084. manage
  1085. manager
  1086. marrow
  1087. mater
  1088. comput
  1089. comput
  1090. north
  1091. decis
  1092. making
  1093. group
  1094. manage
  1095. hypotheses
  1096. interface
  1097. technol
  1098. teach
  1099. waste
  1100. medicine
  1101. menninger
  1102. mentj
  1103. health
  1104. state
  1105. metab
  1106. methods
  1107. methods
  1108. metrop
  1109. microbiol
  1110. microbiologica
  1111. milbank
  1112. milbank
  1113. mortal
  1114. healthc
  1115. modif
  1116. labor
  1117. monaldi
  1118. monaldi
  1119. chest
  1120. monit
  1121. monogrj
  1122. monogr
  1123. cancer
  1124. mortal
  1125. sinai
  1126. muscle
  1127. muscle
  1128. nerve
  1129. health
  1130. nativej
  1131. forum
  1132. health
  1133. nature
  1134. nephrol
  1135. nephrol
  1136. transplant
  1137. nephron
  1138. nerve
  1139. neurochirH
  1140. neuroepidemiology
  1141. neurol
  1142. neurology
  1143. neurophysiol
  1144. neuroradiola
  1145. neurosci
  1146. neurosurg
  1147. neurosurgery
  1148. health
  1149. horiz
  1150. newsl
  1151. north
  1152. commun
  1153. manage
  1154. nurse
  1155. nurse
  1156. pract
  1157. nutrm
  1158. nutrition
  1159. obstetI
  1160. obstet
  1161. gynecol
  1162. occup
  1163. occup
  1164. environ
  1165. occup
  1166. health
  1167. occup
  1168. oncolJ
  1169. oncology
  1170. online
  1171. online
  1172. trials
  1173. ontol
  1174. occup
  1175. outlook
  1176. ophthalmic
  1177. ophthalmic
  1178. ophthalmolK
  1179. opthalmology
  1180. optom
  1181. optom
  1182. manager
  1183. organ
  1184. organs
  1185. orthopL
  1186. orthopedics
  1187. orthot
  1188. osteopath
  1189. osteoporos
  1190. osteoporos
  1191. otolaryngolN
  1192. otolaryngol
  1193. otorhinolarngol
  1194. outlook
  1195. pacing
  1196. pacing
  1197. electrophysiol
  1198. paediatrO
  1199. paediatr
  1200. perinat
  1201. epidemiol
  1202. palliatv
  1203. palliat
  1204. paraplegia
  1205. parasitol
  1206. pastoral
  1207. patholn
  1208. pathology
  1209. patient
  1210. pediatr
  1211. pediatr
  1212. north
  1213. pediatr
  1214. emerg
  1215. pediatr
  1216. infect
  1217. pediatr
  1218. neurol
  1219. pediatr
  1220. pediatrics
  1221. perform
  1222. perinat
  1223. perinatol
  1224. perit
  1225. perit
  1226. perspect
  1227. pharmw
  1228. pharm
  1229. world
  1230. pharmacokinet
  1231. pharmacol
  1232. pharmacology
  1233. pharmacother
  1234. pharmacotherapy
  1235. pharmcol
  1236. philos
  1237. photogr
  1238. physiciang
  1239. physician
  1240. assist
  1241. physician
  1242. physicians
  1243. physiol
  1244. physiol
  1245. physiother
  1246. physiother
  1247. plann
  1248. plast
  1249. plast
  1250. reconstr
  1251. podiatr
  1252. policy
  1253. polit
  1254. postgrad
  1255. postgrad
  1256. postgrad
  1257. pract
  1258. practitioner
  1259. prenat
  1260. prenat
  1261. diagn
  1262. prevC
  1263. probl
  1264. procd
  1265. cardiovasc
  1266. programs
  1267. prosthet
  1268. prosthet
  1269. orthot
  1270. provider
  1271. psychiatrR
  1272. psychiatr
  1273. north
  1274. psychiatr
  1275. psychiatryV
  1276. psychoanal
  1277. psycholo
  1278. psychol
  1279. aging
  1280. psychol
  1281. psycholinguist
  1282. psychopharmacol
  1283. psychopharmacol
  1284. psychosom
  1285. psychosom
  1286. psychother
  1287. public
  1288. public
  1289. health
  1290. public
  1291. health
  1292. public
  1293. health
  1294. public
  1295. advis
  1296. assur
  1297. assur
  1298. health
  1299. health
  1300. healthc
  1301. manage
  1302. health
  1303. radiat
  1304. radiographics
  1305. radiolS
  1306. radiol
  1307. manage
  1308. radiol
  1309. technol
  1310. radiology
  1311. radiother
  1312. radiother
  1313. oncol
  1314. recent
  1315. recent
  1316. alcohol
  1317. reconstr
  1318. rectum
  1319. reform
  1320. refrac
  1321. refract
  1322. anesth
  1323. regist
  1324. rehabil
  1325. reprod
  1326. reprod
  1327. toxicol
  1328. resour
  1329. respir
  1330. respir
  1331. respir
  1332. resuscitation
  1333. patient
  1334. focus
  1335. assoc
  1336. rheum
  1337. rheumatol
  1338. rhinol
  1339. roentgenolb
  1340. rural
  1341. health
  1342. suppl
  1343. scandE
  1344. scand
  1345. invest
  1346. scand
  1347. gastroenterol
  1348. scand
  1349. gastroenterol
  1350. suppl
  1351. scand
  1352. infect
  1353. scand
  1354. health
  1355. scand
  1356. rehabil
  1357. scand
  1358. rehabil
  1359. suppl
  1360. scand
  1361. rheumatol
  1362. scand
  1363. scand
  1364. nephrol
  1365. scand
  1366. environ
  1367. health
  1368. schizophr
  1369. schizophr
  1370. schizophr
  1371. total
  1372. environ
  1373. science
  1374. scott
  1375. scott
  1376. secur
  1377. seizure
  1378. semin
  1379. semin
  1380. arthritis
  1381. rheum
  1382. semin
  1383. dermatol
  1384. semin
  1385. oncol
  1386. semin
  1387. pediatr
  1388. semin
  1389. perinatol
  1390. semin
  1391. oncol
  1392. semin
  1393. semin
  1394. servY
  1395. transm
  1396. sinai
  1397. sleep
  1398. policy
  1399. secur
  1400. health
  1401. south
  1402. south
  1403. space
  1404. dentist
  1405. health
  1406. health
  1407. spinal
  1408. spine
  1409. sports
  1410. staff
  1411. stand
  1412. stanford
  1413. stanford
  1414. metrop
  1415. insur
  1416. state
  1417. stereotact
  1418. stereotact
  1419. funct
  1420. neurosurg
  1421. strateg
  1422. strateg
  1423. healthc
  1424. excell
  1425. strategy
  1426. stroke
  1427. subst
  1428. superv
  1429. supplM
  1430. support
  1431. support
  1432. cancer
  1433. north
  1434. endosc
  1435. laparosc
  1436. endosc
  1437. neurol
  1438. technol
  1439. surgery
  1440. ophthalmol
  1441. syndr
  1442. teach
  1443. technol
  1444. theor
  1445. theor
  1446. therk
  1447. thorac
  1448. thorax
  1449. thromb
  1450. thromb
  1451. haemost
  1452. tissue
  1453. today
  1454. health
  1455. financ
  1456. health
  1457. manage
  1458. pharm
  1459. manage
  1460. topics
  1461. total
  1462. toxicol
  1463. toxicol
  1464. health
  1465. trans
  1466. trans
  1467. ophthalmol
  1468. trans
  1469. physicians
  1470. transcr
  1471. transfus
  1472. transfus
  1473. transfus
  1474. transfusion
  1475. transm
  1476. transplant
  1477. transplant
  1478. transplantation
  1479. trauma
  1480. treat
  1481. trends
  1482. trends
  1483. health
  1484. ethics
  1485. trials
  1486. ulster
  1487. ulster
  1488. underserved
  1489. update
  1490. urology
  1491. world
  1492. vaccine
  1493. valve
  1494. virol
  1495. vital
  1496. vital
  1497. health
  1498. vital
  1499. health
  1500. vital
  1501. health
  1502. vital
  1503. health
  1504. vital
  1505. health
  1506. vital
  1507. health
  1508. vital
  1509. health
  1510. vital
  1511. health
  1512. vital
  1513. health
  1514. vital
  1515. health
  1516. vital
  1517. health
  1518. vital
  1519. health
  1520. vital
  1521. health
  1522. waste
  1523. welfare
  1524. woman
  1525. woman
  1526. health
  1527. womens
  1528. womens
  1529. health
  1530. issues
  1531. workU
  1532. world
  1533. world
  1534. health
  1535. forum
  1536. world
  1537. Pro 2.0F!
  1538. Pro 3.0
  1539. Main Dictionary
  1540. User Dictionary
  1541. administrative
  1542. radiologyT
  1543. adolescentV
  1544. adolescent
  1545. psychiatryV
  1546. adolscent
  1547. advanceW
  1548. advance
  1549. dataW
  1550. advancesX
  1551. advances
  1552. experimental
  1553. medicine
  1554. biologyX
  1555. advances
  1556. health
  1557. economics
  1558. health
  1559. services
  1560. researchY
  1561. advisor
  1562. affairs
  1563. agingZ
  1564. agents
  1565. agingZ
  1566. ahima
  1567. care]
  1568. clinical
  1569. review^
  1570. education
  1571. prevention_
  1572. medical
  1573. journal`
  1574. ajnra
  1575. american
  1576. journal
  1577. neuroradiologya
  1578. american
  1579. journal
  1580. roentgenologyb
  1581. alaskaj
  1582. alcohol
  1583. alcoholism
  1584. allergy
  1585. allergy
  1586. proceedingsd
  1587. allied
  1588. alzheimere
  1589. alzheimer
  1590. disease
  1591. associated
  1592. disorderse
  1593. ambulatory
  1594. america
  1595. americana
  1596. american
  1597. american
  1598. economic
  1599. reviewf
  1600. american
  1601. family
  1602. physiciang
  1603. american
  1604. heart
  1605. journalh
  1606. american
  1607. indian
  1608. alaska
  1609. native
  1610. mental
  1611. health
  1612. research
  1613. american
  1614. industrial
  1615. hygiene
  1616. association
  1617. journali
  1618. american
  1619. journal
  1620. therapyk
  1621. american
  1622. journal
  1623. cardiologyl
  1624. american
  1625. journal
  1626. clinical
  1627. nutritionm
  1628. american
  1629. journal
  1630. clinical
  1631. pathologyn
  1632. american
  1633. journal
  1634. community
  1635. psychologyo
  1636. american
  1637. journal
  1638. critical
  1639. carep
  1640. american
  1641. journal
  1642. diseases
  1643. childrenq
  1644. american
  1645. journal
  1646. emergency
  1647. mediciner
  1648. american
  1649. journal
  1650. epidemiologys
  1651. american
  1652. journal
  1653. forensic
  1654. medicine
  1655. pathologyt
  1656. american
  1657. journal
  1658. gastroenterologyu
  1659. american
  1660. journal
  1661. hospice
  1662. palliative
  1663. carev
  1664. american
  1665. journal
  1666. hospital
  1667. pharmacyw
  1668. american
  1669. journal
  1670. human
  1671. geneticsx
  1672. american
  1673. journal
  1674. industrial
  1675. mediciney
  1676. american
  1677. journal
  1678. infection
  1679. controlz
  1680. american
  1681. journal
  1682. kidney
  1683. diseases{
  1684. american
  1685. journal
  1686. medicine|
  1687. american
  1688. journal
  1689. medical
  1690. genetics~
  1691. american
  1692. journal
  1693. medical
  1694. quality
  1695. american
  1696. journal
  1697. medicine}
  1698. american
  1699. journal
  1700. nephrology
  1701. american
  1702. journal
  1703. nursing
  1704. american
  1705. journal
  1706. obstetrics
  1707. gynecology
  1708. american
  1709. journal
  1710. occupational
  1711. therapy
  1712. american
  1713. journal
  1714. otolaryngology
  1715. american
  1716. journal
  1717. otology
  1718. american
  1719. journal
  1720. pediatric
  1721. hematology/oncology
  1722. american
  1723. journal
  1724. perinatology
  1725. american
  1726. journal
  1727. physical
  1728. medicine
  1729. rehabilitation
  1730. american
  1731. journal
  1732. preventive
  1733. medicine
  1734. american
  1735. journal
  1736. psychiatry
  1737. american
  1738. journal
  1739. psychoanalysis
  1740. american
  1741. journal
  1742. public
  1743. health
  1744. american
  1745. journal
  1746. respiratory
  1747. critical
  1748. medicine
  1749. american
  1750. journal
  1751. surgery
  1752. american
  1753. journal
  1754. surgical
  1755. pathology
  1756. american
  1757. journal
  1758. medical
  1759. sciences
  1760. american
  1761. pharmacy
  1762. american
  1763. psychologist
  1764. american
  1765. review
  1766. respiratory
  1767. disease
  1768. american
  1769. surgeon
  1770. anaesthesia
  1771. anaesthesiologicaD
  1772. anaesthesiology
  1773. analgesia
  1774. analysisC
  1775. analyst
  1776. anesthesia
  1777. anesthesia
  1778. analgesia
  1779. anesthesiology
  1780. annales
  1781. annales
  1782. chirurgiae
  1783. gynaecologiae
  1784. supplementum
  1785. annals
  1786. annals
  1787. allergy
  1788. annals
  1789. clinical
  1790. biochemistry
  1791. annals
  1792. emergency
  1793. medicine
  1794. annals
  1795. epidemiology
  1796. annals
  1797. hematology
  1798. annals
  1799. internal
  1800. medicine
  1801. annals
  1802. oncology
  1803. annals
  1804. ophthalmology
  1805. annals
  1806. otology
  1807. rhinology
  1808. laryngology
  1809. annals
  1810. pharmacotherapy
  1811. annals
  1812. plastic
  1813. surgery
  1814. annals
  1815. surgery
  1816. annals
  1817. academy
  1818. sciences
  1819. annals
  1820. royal
  1821. college
  1822. surgeons
  1823. england
  1824. annals
  1825. thoracic
  1826. surgery
  1827. annals
  1828. vascular
  1829. surgery
  1830. annual
  1831. annual
  1832. review
  1833. public
  1834. health
  1835. anthroplasty
  1836. anticancer
  1837. anticancer
  1838. research
  1839. antimicrobial
  1840. antimicrobial
  1841. agents
  1842. chemotherapy
  1843. journal
  1844. association
  1845. operating
  1846. nurses
  1847. applied
  1848. archives
  1849. archives
  1850. dermatology
  1851. archives
  1852. disease
  1853. childhood
  1854. archives
  1855. emergency
  1856. medicine
  1857. archives
  1858. environmetal
  1859. health
  1860. archives
  1861. family
  1862. medicine
  1863. archives
  1864. general
  1865. psychiatry
  1866. archives
  1867. internal
  1868. medicine
  1869. archives
  1870. neurology
  1871. archives
  1872. ophthalmology
  1873. archives
  1874. orthopaedic
  1875. trauma
  1876. surgery
  1877. archives
  1878. otolaryngology
  1879. surgery
  1880. archives
  1881. pathology
  1882. laboratory
  1883. medicine
  1884. archives
  1885. pediatrics
  1886. adolescent
  1887. medicine
  1888. archives
  1889. physical
  1890. medicine
  1891. rehabilitation
  1892. archives
  1893. surgery
  1894. archivos
  1895. archivos
  1896. espanoles
  1897. urologia
  1898. artery
  1899. arthritis
  1900. arthritis
  1901. rheumatism
  1902. artic
  1903. artic
  1904. medical
  1905. research
  1906. artificial
  1907. artificial
  1908. organs
  1909. american
  1910. speech-language-hear
  1911. american
  1912. speech-language-hear
  1913. assessment
  1914. assistant
  1915. associatede
  1916. associationi
  1917. assurance
  1918. asthma
  1919. audiology
  1920. australasian
  1921. australasian
  1922. radiology
  1923. australia
  1924. australian
  1925. australian
  1926. zealand
  1927. journal
  1928. medicine
  1929. australian
  1930. zealand
  1931. journal
  1932. obstetrics
  1933. gynaeco
  1934. australian
  1935. zealand
  1936. journal
  1937. ophthalomology
  1938. australian
  1939. zealand
  1940. journal
  1941. surgery
  1942. australian
  1943. clinical
  1944. review
  1945. australian
  1946. family
  1947. physician
  1948. australian
  1949. health
  1950. review
  1951. australian
  1952. journal
  1953. public
  1954. health
  1955. australian
  1956. medical
  1957. record
  1958. journal
  1959. autonomic
  1960. aviation
  1961. aviation
  1962. space
  1963. environmental
  1964. medicine
  1965. bacteriology
  1966. baillieres
  1967. baillieres
  1968. clinical
  1969. obstetrics
  1970. gynaecology
  1971. behavior
  1972. behavior
  1973. modification
  1974. behavior
  1975. research
  1976. therapy
  1977. belgicaD
  1978. benefits
  1979. bio-medical
  1980. biochemistry
  1981. biocommunication
  1982. biological
  1983. biologyX
  1984. biomarkers
  1985. biomedical
  1986. biomedical
  1987. instrumentation
  1988. technology
  1989. biomedicine
  1990. blood
  1991. board
  1992. marrow
  1993. transplantation
  1994. brain
  1995. brain
  1996. injury
  1997. brain
  1998. pathology
  1999. breast
  2000. breast
  2001. cancer
  2002. research
  2003. treatment
  2004. british
  2005. british
  2006. heart
  2007. journal
  2008. british
  2009. journal
  2010. anaesthesia
  2011. british
  2012. journal
  2013. audiology
  2014. british
  2015. journal
  2016. cancer
  2017. british
  2018. journal
  2019. clinical
  2020. practice
  2021. british
  2022. journal
  2023. dermatology
  2024. british
  2025. journal
  2026. general
  2027. practice
  2028. british
  2029. journal
  2030. hospital
  2031. medicine
  2032. british
  2033. journal
  2034. medical
  2035. psychology
  2036. british
  2037. journal
  2038. obstetrics
  2039. gynaecology
  2040. british
  2041. journal
  2042. plastic
  2043. surgery
  2044. british
  2045. journal
  2046. radiology
  2047. british
  2048. journal
  2049. rheumatology
  2050. british
  2051. journal
  2052. surgery
  2053. british
  2054. journal
  2055. urology
  2056. british
  2057. medical
  2058. bulletin
  2059. brookings
  2060. brookings
  2061. bulletin
  2062. bulletin
  2063. hospital
  2064. joint
  2065. diseases
  2066. bulletin
  2067. american
  2068. academy
  2069. psychiatry
  2070. bulletin
  2071. american
  2072. college
  2073. surgeons
  2074. bulletin
  2075. history
  2076. medicine
  2077. bulletin
  2078. medical
  2079. library
  2080. association
  2081. bulletin
  2082. menninger
  2083. clinic
  2084. bulletin
  2085. academy
  2086. medicine
  2087. bulletin
  2088. american
  2089. health
  2090. organization
  2091. bulletin
  2092. world
  2093. health
  2094. organization
  2095. bulletin
  2096. narcotics
  2097. bulletin
  2098. rheumatic
  2099. diseases
  2100. burns
  2101. business
  2102. business
  2103. health
  2104. calcified
  2105. calcified
  2106. tissue
  2107. international
  2108. california
  2109. aging
  2110. palliat
  2111. carev
  2112. intern
  2113. artif
  2114. organs
  2115. acta@
  2116. comput
  2117. detect@
  2118. respir
  2119. group
  2120. health
  2121. newsl
  2122. hospw
  2123. instrum
  2124. integr
  2125. comput@
  2126. health
  2127. policy@
  2128. pediatr@
  2129. kidney@
  2130. mortal
  2131. otolaryngol@
  2132. psychol@
  2133. recent
  2134. alcohol@
  2135. scand
  2136. gastroenterol
  2137. suppl@
  2138. secur
  2139. bull@
  2140. north
  2141. trends
  2142. health
  2143. ethics@
  2144. administrative
  2145. radiology@
  2146. american
  2147. american
  2148. journal
  2149. kidney
  2150. diseases@
  2151. american
  2152. review
  2153. respiratory
  2154. disease@
  2155. journal
  2156. association
  2157. operating
  2158. nurses@
  2159. american
  2160. speech-language-hear
  2161. behavior
  2162. research
  2163. therapy@
  2164. british
  2165. journal
  2166. plastic
  2167. surgery@
  2168. california
  2169. hospitals@
  2170. cancer
  2171. epidemiology
  2172. biomarkers
  2173. prevention@
  2174. chronobiologia@
  2175. clinical
  2176. microbiology
  2177. reviews
  2178. communications@
  2179. culture
  2180. digestive
  2181. diseases
  2182. sciences
  2183. environmental
  2184. european
  2185. journal
  2186. disorders
  2187. communication@
  2188. focused@
  2189. haematology@
  2190. health
  2191. reform
  2192. week@
  2193. hematotherapy@
  2194. human
  2195. experimental
  2196. toxicology@
  2197. international
  2198. international
  2199. journal
  2200. health
  2201. services@
  2202. japonica@
  2203. journal
  2204. journal
  2205. ambulatory
  2206. management@
  2207. journal
  2208. clinical
  2209. microbiology@
  2210. journal
  2211. surgery
  2212. british
  2213. volume@
  2214. journal
  2215. intellectual
  2216. disability
  2217. research@
  2218. journal
  2219. orthopaedic
  2220. trauma@
  2221. journal
  2222. rheumatology@
  2223. journal
  2224. canadian
  2225. dietetic
  2226. association@
  2227. contemporary
  2228. problems@
  2229. medical
  2230. clinics
  2231. north
  2232. america@
  2233. methods
  2234. neuroepidemiology@
  2235. california
  2236. hospitals
  2237. cambridge
  2238. cambridge
  2239. quarterly
  2240. healthcare
  2241. ethics
  2242. canada
  2243. canadian
  2244. canadian
  2245. association
  2246. radiologists
  2247. journal
  2248. canadian
  2249. family
  2250. physician
  2251. canadian
  2252. journal
  2253. anaesthesia
  2254. canadian
  2255. journal
  2256. applied
  2257. physiology
  2258. canadian
  2259. journal
  2260. cardiology
  2261. canadian
  2262. journal
  2263. hospital
  2264. pharmacy
  2265. canadian
  2266. journal
  2267. medical
  2268. radiation
  2269. technology
  2270. canadian
  2271. journal
  2272. medical
  2273. technology
  2274. canadian
  2275. journal
  2276. neurological
  2277. sciences
  2278. canadian
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  2286. journal
  2287. psychiatry
  2288. canadian
  2289. journal
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  2294. surgery
  2295. canadian
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  2298. journal
  2299. cancer
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  2302. control
  2303. cancer
  2304. detection
  2305. prevention
  2306. cancer
  2307. epidemiology
  2308. biomarkers
  2309. prevention
  2310. cancer
  2311. investigation
  2312. cardiologia
  2313. cardiologicaF
  2314. cardiologyl
  2315. cardiothoracic
  2316. cardiovascular
  2317. care]
  2318. caring
  2319. studies
  2320. health
  2321. administration
  2322. cataract
  2323. catheterization
  2324. catheterization
  2325. cardiovascular
  2326. diagnosis
  2327. causes
  2328. cellular
  2329. center
  2330. chaplaincy
  2331. chemistry
  2332. chemotherapy
  2333. chest
  2334. child
  2335. child
  2336. psychiatry
  2337. human
  2338. development
  2339. child
  2340. welfare
  2341. childhood
  2342. childrenq
  2343. children
  2344. today
  2345. childrens
  2346. childrens
  2347. health
  2348. chimica
  2349. chirurgiae
  2350. chirurgicaG
  2351. chronobiologia
  2352. chronobiology
  2353. chronobiology
  2354. international
  2355. circulation
  2356. cleveland
  2357. cleveland
  2358. clinic
  2359. journal
  2360. medicine
  2361. clinic
  2362. clinica
  2363. clinica
  2364. chimica
  2365. clinical^
  2366. clinical
  2367. experimental
  2368. dermatology
  2369. clinical
  2370. experimental
  2371. rheumatology
  2372. clinical
  2373. investigative
  2374. medicine
  2375. clinical
  2376. laboratory
  2377. haematology
  2378. clinical
  2379. autonomic
  2380. research
  2381. clinical
  2382. biochemistry
  2383. clinical
  2384. chemistry
  2385. clinical
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  2401. clinical
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  2404. clinical
  2405. neurology
  2406. neurosurgery
  2407. clinical
  2408. neurosurgery
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  2410. obstetrics
  2411. gynecology
  2412. clinical
  2413. oncology
  2414. royal
  2415. college
  2416. radiologists
  2417. clinical
  2418. orthopaedics
  2419. related
  2420. research
  2421. clinical
  2422. pediatrics
  2423. clinical
  2424. performance
  2425. quality
  2426. health
  2427. clinical
  2428. pharmacokinetics
  2429. clinical
  2430. pharmacology
  2431. therapeutics
  2432. clinical
  2433. pharmacy
  2434. clinical
  2435. radiology
  2436. clinical
  2437. research
  2438. clinical
  2439. therapeutics
  2440. clinical
  2441. transplantation
  2442. clinics
  2443. clinics
  2444. chest
  2445. medicine
  2446. clinics
  2447. geriatric
  2448. medicine
  2449. clinics
  2450. laboratory
  2451. medicine
  2452. clinics
  2453. perinatology
  2454. medica
  2455. college
  2456. colon
  2457. colorectal
  2458. commission
  2459. communicable
  2460. communicable
  2461. disease
  2462. report
  2463. review
  2464. communicable
  2465. disease
  2466. report
  2467. weekly
  2468. communication
  2469. communications
  2470. communityo
  2471. community
  2472. mental
  2473. health
  2474. journal
  2475. companies
  2476. comprehensive
  2477. comprehensive
  2478. psychiatry
  2479. comprehensive
  2480. therapy
  2481. computer
  2482. computer
  2483. methods
  2484. programs
  2485. biomedicine
  2486. computerized
  2487. computerized
  2488. medical
  2489. imaging
  2490. graphics
  2491. computers
  2492. computers
  2493. biomedical
  2494. research
  2495. computers
  2496. healthcare
  2497. computers
  2498. nursing
  2499. computing
  2500. consulting
  2501. consumer
  2502. contact
  2503. contact
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  2505. contemporary
  2506. contemporary
  2507. longterm
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  2509. controlled
  2510. controlled
  2511. clinical
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  2513. corneal
  2514. coronary
  2515. coronary
  2516. artery
  2517. disease
  2518. crisis
  2519. criticalp
  2520. critical
  2521. clinics
  2522. critical
  2523. medicine
  2524. critical
  2525. nurse
  2526. critical
  2527. nursing
  2528. clinics
  2529. north
  2530. america
  2531. critical
  2532. nursing
  2533. quarterly
  2534. culture
  2535. culture
  2536. culture
  2537. medicine
  2538. psychiatry
  2539. current
  2540. current
  2541. opinion
  2542. obstetrics
  2543. gynecology
  2544. current
  2545. opinion
  2546. pediatrics
  2547. current
  2548. opinion
  2549. rheumatology
  2550. current
  2551. studies
  2552. hematology
  2553. blood
  2554. transfusion
  2555. cutis
  2556. cytometry
  2557. cytopathology
  2558. danish
  2559. danish
  2560. medical
  2561. bulletin
  2562. dataW
  2563. death
  2564. death
  2565. studies
  2566. decision
  2567. deficiency
  2568. dementia
  2569. dental
  2570. dentistry
  2571. dermatitis
  2572. dermatology
  2573. design
  2574. detection
  2575. development
  2576. developments
  2577. developments
  2578. biological
  2579. standardization
  2580. devices
  2581. diabetes
  2582. diabetes
  2583. diabetes
  2584. research
  2585. clinical
  2586. practice
  2587. diabetic
  2588. diabetic
  2589. medicine
  2590. diagnosis
  2591. diagnostic
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  2594. dialysis
  2595. dietetic
  2596. digest
  2597. digestive
  2598. digestive
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  2600. sciences
  2601. digestive
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  2603. sciences
  2604. digital
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  2606. disability
  2607. disability
  2608. rehabilitation
  2609. discharge
  2610. discharge
  2611. planning
  2612. update
  2613. diseasee
  2614. diseasesq
  2615. diseases
  2616. colon
  2617. rectum
  2618. disorderse
  2619. therapeutic
  2620. bulletin
  2621. safety
  2622. drugs
  2623. hearing
  2624. eating
  2625. economicf
  2626. economicsY
  2627. edinburgh
  2628. edition
  2629. education_
  2630. electroencephalograp
  2631. electrophysiology
  2632. emergence
  2633. emergencyr
  2634. emergency
  2635. medical
  2636. clinics
  2637. north
  2638. america
  2639. emergency
  2640. medical
  2641. services
  2642. encephale
  2643. endocrinology
  2644. endoscopy
  2645. endourology
  2646. engineering
  2647. england
  2648. environment
  2649. environmental
  2650. environmental
  2651. environmental
  2652. health
  2653. perspectives
  2654. environmental
  2655. research
  2656. environmetal
  2657. epidemiologic
  2658. epidemiologic
  2659. reviews
  2660. epidemiologys
  2661. epidemiology
  2662. infection
  2663. epilepsia
  2664. epilepsy
  2665. epilepsy
  2666. research
  2667. supplement
  2668. ergonomics
  2669. espanoles
  2670. estate
  2671. ethics
  2672. ethnicity
  2673. ethnicity
  2674. disease
  2675. european
  2676. european
  2677. archives
  2678. psychiatry
  2679. clinical
  2680. neuroscience
  2681. european
  2682. heart
  2683. journal
  2684. european
  2685. journal
  2686. anaesthesiology
  2687. european
  2688. journal
  2689. anaesthesiology
  2690. supplement
  2691. european
  2692. journal
  2693. cancer
  2694. european
  2695. journal
  2696. cardiothoracic
  2697. surgery
  2698. european
  2699. journal
  2700. clinical
  2701. microbiology
  2702. infectious
  2703. european
  2704. journal
  2705. clinical
  2706. pharmacology
  2707. european
  2708. journal
  2709. disorders
  2710. communication
  2711. european
  2712. journal
  2713. epidemiology
  2714. european
  2715. journal
  2716. medicine
  2717. european
  2718. journal
  2719. nuclear
  2720. medicine
  2721. european
  2722. journal
  2723. obstetrics
  2724. gynecology
  2725. reproductive
  2726. european
  2727. journal
  2728. pediatric
  2729. surgery
  2730. european
  2731. journal
  2732. pediatrics
  2733. european
  2734. journal
  2735. surgical
  2736. oncology
  2737. european
  2738. journal
  2739. surgical
  2740. oncology
  2741. supplement
  2742. european
  2743. journal
  2744. vascular
  2745. surgery
  2746. european
  2747. respiratory
  2748. journal
  2749. evaluation
  2750. evaluation
  2751. heath
  2752. professions
  2753. excellence
  2754. executive
  2755. experimentalX
  2756. experimental
  2757. gerontology
  2758. facilities
  2759. failure
  2760. familyg
  2761. family
  2762. medicine
  2763. family
  2764. practice
  2765. family
  2766. practice
  2767. research
  2768. journal
  2769. faulkner
  2770. faulkner
  2771. grays
  2772. medicine
  2773. health
  2774. consumer
  2775. federal
  2776. federal
  2777. register
  2778. financial
  2779. financing
  2780. focus
  2781. focused
  2782. management
  2783. forensict
  2784. forensic
  2785. science
  2786. international
  2787. formulary
  2788. fortune
  2789. forum
  2790. functional
  2791. functional
  2792. neurology
  2793. fundamental
  2794. fundamental
  2795. clinical
  2796. pharmacology
  2797. gastroenterologist
  2798. gastroenterologyu
  2799. gastrointestinal
  2800. gastrointestinal
  2801. endoscopy
  2802. gastrointestinal
  2803. endoscopy
  2804. clinics
  2805. north
  2806. america
  2807. general
  2808. general
  2809. hospital
  2810. psychiatry
  2811. geneticsx
  2812. geriatric
  2813. geriatrics
  2814. german
  2815. german
  2816. journal
  2817. ophthalmology
  2818. gerontologist
  2819. gerontology
  2820. giornale
  2821. giornale
  2822. italiano
  2823. cardiologia
  2824. graphics
  2825. grays
  2826. group
  2827. gynaecologiae
  2828. gynaecology
  2829. gynecologic
  2830. gynecologic
  2831. oncology
  2832. gynecologicaI
  2833. gynecological
  2834. gynecology
  2835. haematology
  2836. haemostasis
  2837. harvard
  2838. harvard
  2839. business
  2840. review
  2841. hastings
  2842. hastings
  2843. center
  2844. report
  2845. headache
  2846. healthY
  2847. health
  2848. affairs
  2849. health
  2850. social
  2851. health
  2852. bulletin
  2853. health
  2854. analysis
  2855. health
  2856. financing
  2857. review
  2858. health
  2859. newsletter
  2860. health
  2861. management
  2862. review
  2863. health
  2864. reform
  2865. health
  2866. strategic
  2867. management
  2868. health
  2869. supervisor
  2870. health
  2871. devices
  2872. health
  2873. economics
  2874. health
  2875. education
  2876. quarterly
  2877. health
  2878. estate
  2879. journal
  2880. health
  2881. facilities
  2882. management
  2883. health
  2884. management
  2885. quarterly
  2886. health
  2887. management
  2888. technology
  2889. health
  2890. marketing
  2891. quarterly
  2892. health
  2893. bulletin
  2894. health
  2895. physics
  2896. health
  2897. policy
  2898. health
  2899. policy
  2900. planning
  2901. health
  2902. progress
  2903. health
  2904. psychology
  2905. health
  2906. reports
  2907. health
  2908. service
  2909. journal
  2910. health
  2911. services
  2912. management
  2913. health
  2914. services
  2915. research
  2916. health
  2917. systems
  2918. review
  2919. health
  2920. trends
  2921. healthcare
  2922. healthcare
  2923. financial
  2924. management
  2925. healthcare
  2926. forum
  2927. journal
  2928. healthcare
  2929. informatics
  2930. healthcare
  2931. information
  2932. management
  2933. hearing
  2934. hearth
  2935. heath
  2936. forum
  2937. hematology
  2938. hematology/oncology
  2939. hematotherapy
  2940. hepatology
  2941. history
  2942. practice
  2943. health
  2944. services
  2945. quarterly
  2946. horizons
  2947. hospicev
  2948. hospitalw
  2949. hospital
  2950. community
  2951. psychiatry
  2952. hospital
  2953. health
  2954. services
  2955. administration
  2956. hospital
  2957. management
  2958. accounting
  2959. hospital
  2960. ethics
  2961. hospital
  2962. nutrition
  2963. focus
  2964. hospital
  2965. formulary
  2966. hospital
  2967. journal
  2968. hospital
  2969. newsletter
  2970. hospital
  2971. material
  2972. management
  2973. quarterly
  2974. hospital
  2975. materials
  2976. management
  2977. hospital
  2978. pharmacy
  2979. hospital
  2980. practice
  2981. office
  2982. edition
  2983. hospital
  2984. security
  2985. safety
  2986. management
  2987. hospital
  2988. strategy
  2989. report
  2990. hospital
  2991. technology
  2992. series
  2993. hospital
  2994. topics
  2995. hospitals
  2996. hospitals
  2997. health
  2998. networks
  2999. hrmagazine
  3000. humanx
  3001. human
  3002. experimental
  3003. toxicology
  3004. human
  3005. therapy
  3006. hygie
  3007. hygienei
  3008. hypertension
  3009. hypotheses
  3010. imaging
  3011. immune
  3012. improvement
  3013. indianj
  3014. industriali
  3015. infectionz
  3016. infection
  3017. control
  3018. hospital
  3019. epidemiology
  3020. infectious
  3021. informatics
  3022. information
  3023. injury
  3024. inquiry
  3025. institute
  3026. instrumentation
  3027. insurance
  3028. integrated
  3029. integrated
  3030. healthcare
  3031. report
  3032. intellectual
  3033. intensive
  3034. intensive
  3035. medicine
  3036. interface
  3037. interiors
  3038. internal
  3039. international
  3040. international
  3041. international
  3042. archives
  3043. occupational
  3044. environmental
  3045. international
  3046. clinical
  3047. psychopharmacology
  3048. international
  3049. journal
  3050. aging
  3051. human
  3052. development
  3053. international
  3054. journal
  3055. artificial
  3056. organs
  3057. international
  3058. journal
  3059. bio-medical
  3060. computing
  3061. international
  3062. journal
  3063. cardiology
  3064. international
  3065. journal
  3066. clinical
  3067. monitoring
  3068. computing
  3069. international
  3070. journal
  3071. clinical
  3072. pharmacology
  3073. international
  3074. journal
  3075. colorectal
  3076. disease
  3077. international
  3078. journal
  3079. dermatology
  3080. international
  3081. journal
  3082. eating
  3083. disorders
  3084. international
  3085. journal
  3086. epidemiology
  3087. international
  3088. journal
  3089. group
  3090. psychotherapy
  3091. international
  3092. journal
  3093. gynaecology
  3094. obstetrics
  3095. international
  3096. journal
  3097. gynecological
  3098. pathology
  3099. international
  3100. journal
  3101. health
  3102. quality
  3103. assurance
  3104. international
  3105. journal
  3106. health
  3107. planning
  3108. management
  3109. international
  3110. journal
  3111. health
  3112. services
  3113. international
  3114. journal
  3115. psychiatry
  3116. international
  3117. journal
  3118. medical
  3119. microbiology
  3120. virology
  3121. paras
  3122. international
  3123. journal
  3124. pediatric
  3125. otorhinolarngology
  3126. international
  3127. journal
  3128. psychiatry
  3129. medicine
  3130. international
  3131. journal
  3132. radiation
  3133. oncology
  3134. biology
  3135. physics
  3136. international
  3137. journal
  3138. rehabilitation
  3139. research
  3140. international
  3141. journal
  3142. international
  3143. journal
  3144. technology
  3145. assessment
  3146. health
  3147. international
  3148. orthopaedics
  3149. international
  3150. surgery
  3151. internist
  3152. interventional
  3153. investigation
  3154. investigative
  3155. investigative
  3156. radiology
  3157. irish
  3158. irish
  3159. journal
  3160. medical
  3161. science
  3162. irish
  3163. medical
  3164. journal
  3165. israel
  3166. israel
  3167. journal
  3168. medical
  3169. sciences
  3170. issues
  3171. issues
  3172. medicine
  3173. issues
  3174. science
  3175. technology
  3176. italian
  3177. italian
  3178. journal
  3179. gastroenterology
  3180. italiano
  3181. japonicaP
  3182. joint
  3183. joint
  3184. commission
  3185. journal
  3186. quality
  3187. improvement
  3188. joint
  3189. commission
  3190. perspectives
  3191. journalA
  3192. journal
  3193. journal
  3194. academy
  3195. hospital
  3196. administration
  3197. journal
  3198. canadian
  3199. dental
  3200. association
  3201. journal
  3202. acquired
  3203. immune
  3204. deficiency
  3205. syndromes
  3206. journal
  3207. adolescent
  3208. health
  3209. journal
  3210. aging
  3211. health
  3212. journal
  3213. ahima
  3214. journal
  3215. allied
  3216. health
  3217. journal
  3218. ambulatory
  3219. management
  3220. journal
  3221. anthroplasty
  3222. journal
  3223. antimicrobial
  3224. chemotherapy
  3225. journal
  3226. international
  3227. journal
  3228. applied
  3229. bacteriology
  3230. journal
  3231. applied
  3232. psychology
  3233. journal
  3234. asthma
  3235. journal
  3236. biocommunication
  3237. journal
  3238. biological
  3239. photography
  3240. journal
  3241. joint
  3242. surgery
  3243. american
  3244. volume
  3245. journal
  3246. joint
  3247. surgery
  3248. british
  3249. volume
  3250. journal
  3251. cancer
  3252. education
  3253. journal
  3254. cardiovascular
  3255. vascular
  3256. anesthesia
  3257. journal
  3258. cardiovascular
  3259. management
  3260. journal
  3261. cardiovascular
  3262. pharmacology
  3263. journal
  3264. cardiovascular
  3265. surgery
  3266. journal
  3267. cataract
  3268. refractive
  3269. surgery
  3270. journal
  3271. cellular
  3272. biochemistry
  3273. supplement
  3274. journal
  3275. clinical
  3276. anesthesia
  3277. journal
  3278. clinical
  3279. computing
  3280. journal
  3281. clinical
  3282. endocrinology
  3283. metabolism
  3284. journal
  3285. clinical
  3286. engineering
  3287. journal
  3288. clinical
  3289. epidemiology
  3290. journal
  3291. clinical
  3292. ethics
  3293. journal
  3294. clinical
  3295. microbiology
  3296. journal
  3297. clinical
  3298. monitoring
  3299. journal
  3300. clinical
  3301. neurophysiology
  3302. journal
  3303. clinical
  3304. oncology
  3305. journal
  3306. clinical
  3307. pathology
  3308. journal
  3309. clinical
  3310. pharmacology
  3311. journal
  3312. clinical
  3313. pharmacy
  3314. therapeutics
  3315. journal
  3316. clinical
  3317. psychiatry
  3318. journal
  3319. clinical
  3320. psychology
  3321. journal
  3322. community
  3323. health
  3324. journal
  3325. consulting
  3326. clinical
  3327. psychology
  3328. journal
  3329. contemporary
  3330. health
  3331. policy
  3332. journal
  3333. critical
  3334. journal
  3335. digital
  3336. imaging
  3337. journal
  3338. education
  3339. journal
  3340. economic
  3341. perspectives
  3342. journal
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  3344. medical
  3345. services
  3346. journal
  3347. emergency
  3348. medicine
  3349. journal
  3350. endourology
  3351. journal
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  3355. journal
  3356. family
  3357. practice
  3358. journal
  3359. forensic
  3360. sciences
  3361. journal
  3362. geriatric
  3363. psychiatry
  3364. neurology
  3365. journal
  3366. gerontology
  3367. journal
  3368. surgery
  3369. american
  3370. volume
  3371. journal
  3372. surgery
  3373. british
  3374. volume
  3375. journal
  3376. therapy
  3377. journal
  3378. health
  3379. administration
  3380. education
  3381. journal
  3382. health
  3383. hospital
  3384. journal
  3385. health
  3386. human
  3387. resources
  3388. administration
  3389. journal
  3390. health
  3391. social
  3392. behavior
  3393. journal
  3394. health
  3395. social
  3396. policy
  3397. journal
  3398. health
  3399. benefits
  3400. journal
  3401. health
  3402. chaplaincy
  3403. journal
  3404. health
  3405. underserved
  3406. journal
  3407. health
  3408. marketing
  3409. journal
  3410. health
  3411. economics
  3412. journal
  3413. health
  3414. politics
  3415. policy
  3416. journal
  3417. healthcare
  3418. design
  3419. journal
  3420. healthcare
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  3422. management
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  3424. healthcare
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  3426. journal
  3427. healthcare
  3428. management
  3429. journal
  3430. heart
  3431. transplantation
  3432. journal
  3433. heart
  3434. valve
  3435. disease
  3436. journal
  3437. hematotherapy
  3438. journal
  3439. hospital
  3440. infection
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  3443. hypertension
  3444. journal
  3445. infectious
  3446. diseases
  3447. journal
  3448. intellectual
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  3450. research
  3451. journal
  3452. investigative
  3453. dermatology
  3454. journal
  3455. laboratory
  3456. clinical
  3457. medicine
  3458. journal
  3459. laparoendoscopic
  3460. surgery
  3461. journal
  3462. laryngology
  3463. otology
  3464. journal
  3465. medicine
  3466. ethics
  3467. journal
  3468. legal
  3469. medicine
  3470. journal
  3471. administration
  3472. journal
  3473. health
  3474. journal
  3475. medical
  3476. engineering
  3477. technology
  3478. journal
  3479. medical
  3480. ethics
  3481. journal
  3482. medical
  3483. systems
  3484. journal
  3485. medical
  3486. virology
  3487. journal
  3488. medicine
  3489. philosphy
  3490. journal
  3491. mental
  3492. health
  3493. administration
  3494. journal
  3495. neurology
  3496. neurosurgery
  3497. psychiatry
  3498. journal
  3499. neuroradiology
  3500. journal
  3501. neurosurgery
  3502. journal
  3503. nuclear
  3504. medicine
  3505. journal
  3506. nursing
  3507. administration
  3508. journal
  3509. nursing
  3510. quality
  3511. journal
  3512. nursing
  3513. staff
  3514. development
  3515. journal
  3516. occupational
  3517. medicine
  3518. journal
  3519. orthopaedic
  3520. sports
  3521. physical
  3522. therapy
  3523. journal
  3524. orthopaedic
  3525. trauma
  3526. journal
  3527. paediatrics
  3528. child
  3529. health
  3530. journal
  3531. palliative
  3532. journal
  3533. pastoral
  3534. journal
  3535. pathology
  3536. journal
  3537. pediatric
  3538. orthopedics
  3539. journal
  3540. pediatric
  3541. psychology
  3542. journal
  3543. pediatric
  3544. surgery
  3545. journal
  3546. pediatrics
  3547. journal
  3548. perinatology
  3549. journal
  3550. pharmaceutical
  3551. biomedical
  3552. analysis
  3553. journal
  3554. pharmaceutical
  3555. sciences
  3556. journal
  3557. pharmacy
  3558. pharmacology
  3559. journal
  3560. pharmacy
  3561. technology
  3562. journal
  3563. policy
  3564. analysis
  3565. management
  3566. journal
  3567. professional
  3568. nursing
  3569. journal
  3570. psychiatric
  3571. research
  3572. journal
  3573. psycholinguistic
  3574. research
  3575. journal
  3576. psychosomatic
  3577. obstetrics
  3578. gynaecology
  3579. journal
  3580. psychosomatic
  3581. research
  3582. journal
  3583. public
  3584. health
  3585. medicine
  3586. journal
  3587. public
  3588. health
  3589. policy
  3590. journal
  3591. quality
  3592. clinical
  3593. practice
  3594. journal
  3595. refractive
  3596. corneal
  3597. surgery
  3598. journal
  3599. reproductive
  3600. medicine
  3601. journal
  3602. rheumatology
  3603. journal
  3604. rural
  3605. health
  3606. journal
  3607. social
  3608. psychology
  3609. journal
  3610. spinal
  3611. disorders
  3612. journal
  3613. studies
  3614. alcohol
  3615. journal
  3616. substance
  3617. abuse
  3618. journal
  3619. surgical
  3620. research
  3621. journal
  3622. american
  3623. academy
  3624. child
  3625. adolscent
  3626. psych
  3627. journal
  3628. american
  3629. academy
  3630. dermatology
  3631. journal
  3632. american
  3633. association
  3634. medical
  3635. transcriptio
  3636. journal
  3637. american
  3638. board
  3639. family
  3640. practice
  3641. journal
  3642. american
  3643. college
  3644. surgeons
  3645. journal
  3646. american
  3647. dental
  3648. association
  3649. journal
  3650. american
  3651. dietetic
  3652. association
  3653. journal
  3654. american
  3655. geriatrics
  3656. association
  3657. journal
  3658. american
  3659. health
  3660. policy
  3661. journal
  3662. american
  3663. medical
  3664. womans
  3665. association
  3666. journal
  3667. american
  3668. optometric
  3669. association
  3670. journal
  3671. american
  3672. osteopathic
  3673. association
  3674. journal
  3675. american
  3676. posiatirc
  3677. medical
  3678. association
  3679. journal
  3680. american
  3681. society
  3682. nephrology
  3683. journal
  3684. canadian
  3685. dietetic
  3686. association
  3687. journal
  3688. history
  3689. medicine
  3690. allied
  3691. sciences
  3692. journal
  3693. national
  3694. cancer
  3695. institute
  3696. journal
  3697. national
  3698. medical
  3699. association
  3700. journal
  3701. royal
  3702. college
  3703. physicians
  3704. london
  3705. journal
  3706. royal
  3707. college
  3708. surgeons
  3709. edinburgh
  3710. journal
  3711. royal
  3712. society
  3713. health
  3714. journal
  3715. royal
  3716. society
  3717. medicine
  3718. journal
  3719. society
  3720. health
  3721. systems
  3722. journal
  3723. thoracic
  3724. cardiovascular
  3725. surgery
  3726. journal
  3727. trauma
  3728. journal
  3729. urology
  3730. journal
  3731. vascular
  3732. interventional
  3733. radiology
  3734. journal
  3735. vascular
  3736. surgery
  3737. journal
  3738. virological
  3739. methods
  3740. kennedy
  3741. kennedy
  3742. institute
  3743. ethics
  3744. journal
  3745. kidney{
  3746. labor
  3747. laboratory
  3748. lancet
  3749. laparoendoscopic
  3750. laparoscopy
  3751. laryngology
  3752. contemporary
  3753. problems
  3754. leaders
  3755. leadership
  3756. leadership
  3757. health
  3758. services
  3759. legal
  3760. legal
  3761. medicine
  3762. letter
  3763. library
  3764. london
  3765. longterm
  3766. making
  3767. managed
  3768. managed
  3769. quarterly
  3770. managementA
  3771. manager
  3772. marketing
  3773. marrow
  3774. material
  3775. materials
  3776. clinic
  3777. proceedings
  3778. computing
  3779. measurement
  3780. medica
  3781. medical`
  3782. medical
  3783. biological
  3784. engineering
  3785. computing
  3786. medical
  3787. medical
  3788. review
  3789. medical
  3790. clinics
  3791. north
  3792. america
  3793. medical
  3794. decision
  3795. making
  3796. medical
  3797. economics
  3798. medical
  3799. education
  3800. medical
  3801. engineering
  3802. physics
  3803. medical
  3804. group
  3805. management
  3806. journal
  3807. medical
  3808. history
  3809. medical
  3810. hypotheses
  3811. medical
  3812. informatics
  3813. medical
  3814. interface
  3815. medical
  3816. journal
  3817. australia
  3818. medical
  3819. progress
  3820. through
  3821. technology
  3822. medical
  3823. references
  3824. services
  3825. quarterly
  3826. medical
  3827. teacher
  3828. medical
  3829. waste
  3830. analyst
  3831. medicineB
  3832. medicine
  3833. science
  3834. medico-legal
  3835. medico-legal
  3836. journal
  3837. menninger
  3838. mentalj
  3839. mental
  3840. health
  3841. statistical
  3842. metabolism
  3843. methods
  3844. methods
  3845. methods
  3846. information
  3847. medicine
  3848. metropolitan
  3849. microbiologica
  3850. microbiology
  3851. milbank
  3852. milbank
  3853. quarterly
  3854. medical
  3855. laboratory
  3856. observer
  3857. morbidity
  3858. mortality
  3859. weekly
  3860. report
  3861. modern
  3862. modern
  3863. healthcare
  3864. modification
  3865. monaldi
  3866. monaldi
  3867. archives
  3868. chest
  3869. disease
  3870. monitoring
  3871. monographj
  3872. monographs
  3873. monographs
  3874. national
  3875. cancer
  3876. institute
  3877. monthly
  3878. monthly
  3879. labor
  3880. review
  3881. morbidity
  3882. mortality
  3883. sinai
  3884. journal
  3885. medicine
  3886. muscle
  3887. muscle
  3888. nerve
  3889. narcotics
  3890. national
  3891. national
  3892. forum
  3893. hospital
  3894. health
  3895. affairs
  3896. national
  3897. journal
  3898. nativej
  3899. nature
  3900. nephrology
  3901. nephrology
  3902. dialysis
  3903. transplantation
  3904. nephron
  3905. nerve
  3906. netherlands
  3907. netherlands
  3908. journal
  3909. medicine
  3910. networks
  3911. neurochirurgicaH
  3912. neuroepidemiology
  3913. neurological
  3914. neurology
  3915. neurophysiology
  3916. neuroradiologya
  3917. neuroscience
  3918. neurosurgery
  3919. directions
  3920. mental
  3921. health
  3922. services
  3923. england
  3924. journal
  3925. medicine
  3926. zealand
  3927. health
  3928. hospital
  3929. zealand
  3930. medical
  3931. journal
  3932. newsletter
  3933. north
  3934. horizons
  3935. nuclear
  3936. nuclear
  3937. medicine
  3938. communications
  3939. nurse
  3940. nurse
  3941. practitioner
  3942. nurses
  3943. nursing
  3944. nursing
  3945. administration
  3946. quarterly
  3947. nursing
  3948. economics
  3949. nursing
  3950. management
  3951. nutritionm
  3952. nutrition
  3953. reviews
  3954. observer
  3955. obstetriciaI
  3956. obstetrics
  3957. obstetrics
  3958. gynecology
  3959. occupational
  3960. occupational
  3961. occupational
  3962. environmental
  3963. medicine
  3964. occupational
  3965. health
  3966. safety
  3967. occupational
  3968. medicine
  3969. occupational
  3970. online
  3971. journal
  3972. current
  3973. clinical
  3974. trials@
  3975. physiological@
  3976. psychiatry@
  3977. quarterly
  3978. journal
  3979. medicine@
  3980. resuscitation
  3981. scandinavian
  3982. journal
  3983. social
  3984. medicine@
  3985. sexually@
  3986. strategies
  3987. healthcare
  3988. excellence@
  3989. trends
  3990. volume
  3991. office
  3992. oncologicaJ
  3993. oncology
  3994. online
  3995. online
  3996. journal
  3997. current
  3998. clinical
  3999. trials
  4000. occupational
  4001. outlook
  4002. quarterly
  4003. operating
  4004. ophthalmic
  4005. ophthalmic
  4006. surgery
  4007. ophthalmologicaK
  4008. ophthalmological
  4009. ophthalmology
  4010. ophthalomology
  4011. opinion
  4012. opthalmology
  4013. optometric
  4014. optometry
  4015. optometry
  4016. visual
  4017. science
  4018. manager
  4019. organization
  4020. organs
  4021. orthopaedic
  4022. orthopaedicaL
  4023. orthopaedics
  4024. orthopedics
  4025. orthotics
  4026. osteopathic
  4027. osteoporosis
  4028. osteoporosis
  4029. international
  4030. oto-laryngologicaN
  4031. otolaryngology
  4032. otolaryngology
  4033. surgery
  4034. otology
  4035. otorhinolarngology
  4036. outlook
  4037. pacing
  4038. pacing
  4039. clinical
  4040. electrophysiology
  4041. paediatric
  4042. paediatric
  4043. perinatal
  4044. epidemiology
  4045. paediatricaO
  4046. paediatrics
  4047. palliativev
  4048. palliative
  4049. medicine
  4050. paraplegia
  4051. parasitology
  4052. pastoral
  4053. pathologyn
  4054. patient
  4055. pediatric
  4056. pediatric
  4057. clinics
  4058. north
  4059. america
  4060. pediatric
  4061. emergency
  4062. pediatric
  4063. infectious
  4064. disease
  4065. journal
  4066. pediatric
  4067. neurology
  4068. pediatric
  4069. research
  4070. pediatrics
  4071. performance
  4072. perinatal
  4073. perinatology
  4074. peritoneal
  4075. peritoneal
  4076. dialysis
  4077. international
  4078. perspectives
  4079. pharmaceutical
  4080. pharmacokinetics
  4081. pharmacology
  4082. pharmacotherapy
  4083. pharmacyw
  4084. pharmacy
  4085. world
  4086. science
  4087. philadelphia
  4088. philosphy
  4089. photography
  4090. physical
  4091. physical
  4092. therapy
  4093. physiciang
  4094. physician
  4095. assistant
  4096. physician
  4097. executive
  4098. physicians
  4099. physics
  4100. physiological
  4101. physiological
  4102. measurement
  4103. physiology
  4104. physiotherapy
  4105. physiotherapy
  4106. canada
  4107. planning
  4108. plastic
  4109. plastic
  4110. reconstructive
  4111. surgery
  4112. policy
  4113. politics
  4114. posiatirc
  4115. postgraduate
  4116. postgraduate
  4117. medical
  4118. journal
  4119. postgraduate
  4120. medicine
  4121. practice
  4122. practitioner
  4123. prenatal
  4124. prenatal
  4125. diagnosis
  4126. preventionC
  4127. preventive
  4128. preventive
  4129. medicine
  4130. primary
  4131. primary
  4132. problems
  4133. proceedingsd
  4134. professional
  4135. professions
  4136. programs
  4137. progress
  4138. progress
  4139. cardiovascular
  4140. diseases
  4141. prosthetics
  4142. prosthetics
  4143. orthotics
  4144. international
  4145. protection
  4146. provider
  4147. psychiatric
  4148. psychiatric
  4149. clinics
  4150. north
  4151. america
  4152. psychiatric
  4153. quarterly
  4154. psychiatricaR
  4155. psychiatryV
  4156. psychoanalysis
  4157. psycholinguistic
  4158. psychological
  4159. psychological
  4160. reports
  4161. psychologist
  4162. psychologyo
  4163. psychology
  4164. aging
  4165. psychopharmacology
  4166. psychopharmacology
  4167. bulletin
  4168. psychosomatic
  4169. psychosomatic
  4170. medicine
  4171. psychotherapy
  4172. public
  4173. public
  4174. health
  4175. public
  4176. health
  4177. reports
  4178. public
  4179. health
  4180. reviews
  4181. public
  4182. opinion
  4183. quarterly
  4184. publications
  4185. advisor
  4186. quality
  4187. quality
  4188. assurance
  4189. quality
  4190. assurance
  4191. health
  4192. quality
  4193. health
  4194. quality
  4195. letter
  4196. healthcare
  4197. leaders
  4198. quality
  4199. management
  4200. health
  4201. quality
  4202. research
  4203. quarterly
  4204. quarterly
  4205. journal
  4206. medicine
  4207. radiation
  4208. radiographics
  4209. radiologic
  4210. radiologic
  4211. technology
  4212. radiologicaS
  4213. radiologists
  4214. radiologyT
  4215. radiology
  4216. management
  4217. radiotherapy
  4218. radiotherapy
  4219. oncology
  4220. journal
  4221. economics
  4222. recent
  4223. recent
  4224. developments
  4225. alcoholism
  4226. reconstructive
  4227. record
  4228. rectum
  4229. references
  4230. reform
  4231. refractive
  4232. regional
  4233. regional
  4234. anesthesia
  4235. register
  4236. rehabilitation
  4237. related
  4238. renal
  4239. renal
  4240. failure
  4241. report
  4242. reports
  4243. reproductive
  4244. reproductive
  4245. toxicology
  4246. researchY
  4247. resources
  4248. respiratory
  4249. respiratory
  4250. respiratory
  4251. medicine
  4252. resuscitation
  4253. resuscitation
  4254. review^
  4255. review
  4256. patient
  4257. focused
  4258. association
  4259. reviews
  4260. rheumatic
  4261. rheumatism
  4262. rheumatology
  4263. rhinology
  4264. roentgenologyb
  4265. royal
  4266. rural
  4267. safety
  4268. scandinavian
  4269. scandinavian
  4270. journal
  4271. clinical
  4272. laboratory
  4273. investigatio
  4274. scandinavian
  4275. journal
  4276. gastroenterology
  4277. scandinavian
  4278. journal
  4279. gastroenterology
  4280. supplement
  4281. scandinavian
  4282. journal
  4283. infectious
  4284. diseases
  4285. scandinavian
  4286. journal
  4287. primary
  4288. health
  4289. scandinavian
  4290. journal
  4291. primary
  4292. health
  4293. supplement
  4294. scandinavian
  4295. journal
  4296. rehabilitation
  4297. medicine
  4298. scandinavian
  4299. journal
  4300. rehabilitation
  4301. medicine
  4302. supplement
  4303. scandinavian
  4304. journal
  4305. rheumatology
  4306. scandinavian
  4307. journal
  4308. social
  4309. medicine
  4310. scandinavian
  4311. journal
  4312. urology
  4313. nephrology
  4314. scandinavian
  4315. journal
  4316. environment
  4317. health
  4318. scandinavicaE
  4319. schizophrenia
  4320. schizophrenia
  4321. bulletin
  4322. schizophrenia
  4323. research
  4324. science
  4325. science
  4326. total
  4327. environment
  4328. sciences
  4329. scientific
  4330. scientific
  4331. american
  4332. scottish
  4333. scottish
  4334. medical
  4335. journal
  4336. security
  4337. seizure
  4338. seminars
  4339. seminars
  4340. arthritis
  4341. rheumatology
  4342. seminars
  4343. dermatology
  4344. seminars
  4345. oncology
  4346. seminars
  4347. pediatric
  4348. surgery
  4349. seminars
  4350. perinatology
  4351. seminars
  4352. surgical
  4353. oncology
  4354. seminars
  4355. urology
  4356. seminars
  4357. vascular
  4358. surgery
  4359. seriesj
  4360. service
  4361. servicesY
  4362. sexually
  4363. sexually
  4364. transmitted
  4365. diseases
  4366. sinai
  4367. sleep
  4368. socialU
  4369. social
  4370. policy
  4371. social
  4372. science
  4373. medicine
  4374. social
  4375. security
  4376. bulletin
  4377. social
  4378. social
  4379. health
  4380. social
  4381. research
  4382. society
  4383. southern
  4384. southern
  4385. medical
  4386. journal
  4387. space
  4388. special
  4389. special
  4390. dentistry
  4391. specialty
  4392. specialty
  4393. digest
  4394. health
  4395. specialty
  4396. digest
  4397. health
  4398. monthly
  4399. speech-language-hear
  4400. spinal
  4401. spine
  4402. sports
  4403. staff
  4404. standardization
  4405. stanford
  4406. stanford
  4407. review
  4408. statistical
  4409. statistical
  4410. bulletin
  4411. metropolitan
  4412. insurance
  4413. companies
  4414. statistics
  4415. statistics
  4416. medicine
  4417. stereotactic
  4418. stereotactic
  4419. functional
  4420. neurosurgery
  4421. strategic
  4422. strategies
  4423. strategies
  4424. healthcare
  4425. excellence
  4426. strategy
  4427. stroke
  4428. studies
  4429. substance
  4430. supervisor
  4431. supplementN
  4432. supplementumM
  4433. supportive
  4434. supportive
  4435. cancer
  4436. surgeon
  4437. surgeons
  4438. surgery
  4439. surgical
  4440. surgical
  4441. clinics
  4442. north
  4443. america
  4444. surgical
  4445. endoscopy
  4446. surgical
  4447. laparoscopy
  4448. endoscopy
  4449. surgical
  4450. neurology
  4451. surgical
  4452. technologist
  4453. survey
  4454. survey
  4455. ophthalmology
  4456. syndromes
  4457. systems
  4458. teacher
  4459. technologist
  4460. technology
  4461. theoretical
  4462. theoretical
  4463. medicine
  4464. therapeutic
  4465. therapeutics
  4466. therapyk
  4467. thoracic
  4468. thorax
  4469. thrombosis
  4470. thrombosis
  4471. haemostasis
  4472. through
  4473. tissue
  4474. today
  4475. topics
  4476. topics
  4477. health
  4478. financing
  4479. topics
  4480. health
  4481. information
  4482. topics
  4483. hospital
  4484. pharmacy
  4485. management
  4486. total
  4487. toxicology
  4488. toxicology
  4489. industrial
  4490. health
  4491. transactions
  4492. transactions
  4493. studies
  4494. college
  4495. physicians
  4496. transactions
  4497. american
  4498. ophthalmological
  4499. society
  4500. transcription
  4501. transfusion
  4502. transfusion
  4503. medicine
  4504. transfusion
  4505. medicine
  4506. reviews
  4507. transmitted
  4508. transplantation
  4509. transplantation
  4510. proceedings
  4511. trauma
  4512. treatment
  4513. trends
  4514. trends
  4515. trends
  4516. health
  4517. ethics
  4518. trials
  4519. ulster
  4520. ulster
  4521. medical
  4522. journal
  4523. underserved
  4524. update
  4525. urologia
  4526. urology
  4527. world
  4528. report
  4529. vaccine
  4530. valve
  4531. vascular
  4532. virological
  4533. virology
  4534. visual
  4535. vital
  4536. vital
  4537. health
  4538. statistics
  4539. series
  4540. vital
  4541. health
  4542. statistics
  4543. series
  4544. vital
  4545. health
  4546. statistics
  4547. series
  4548. vital
  4549. health
  4550. statistics
  4551. series
  4552. vital
  4553. health
  4554. statistics
  4555. series
  4556. vital
  4557. health
  4558. statistics
  4559. series
  4560. vital
  4561. health
  4562. statistics
  4563. series
  4564. vital
  4565. health
  4566. statistics
  4567. series
  4568. vital
  4569. health
  4570. statistics
  4571. series
  4572. vital
  4573. health
  4574. statistics
  4575. series
  4576. vital
  4577. health
  4578. statistics
  4579. series
  4580. vital
  4581. health
  4582. statistics
  4583. series
  4584. vital
  4585. health
  4586. statistics
  4587. series
  4588. volume
  4589. volume
  4590. waste
  4591. weekly
  4592. welfare
  4593. regional
  4594. publications
  4595. european
  4596. series
  4597. woman
  4598. woman
  4599. health
  4600. womans
  4601. womens
  4602. womens
  4603. health
  4604. issues
  4605. workU
  4606. world
  4607. world
  4608. health
  4609. forum
  4610. world
  4611. hospitals
  4612. zealand
  4613. ABB NAME
  4614.     FULL NAME
  4615. abb nameB
  4616. A    Full nameB
  4617. A    Layout #1
  4618. A    Layout #1B
  4619. YesfkK
  4620. YesfkK
  4621. C    Full nameD
  4622. abb name
  4623. Acad Manage JB
  4624. Academy of Management Journal
  4625. Acad Med
  4626. Sunday
  4627. Monday
  4628. Tuesday
  4629.     Wednesday
  4630. Thursday
  4631. Friday
  4632. Saturday
  4633. January
  4634. February
  4635. March
  4636. April
  4637. August
  4638.     September
  4639. October
  4640. November
  4641. December
  4642. 1st Quarter
  4643. 2nd Quarter
  4644. 3rd Quarter
  4645. 4th Quarter
  4646. 6/1/966
  4647. Academic Medicine
  4648. Accid Anal PrevB Accident Analysis and Prevention
  4649. Acta Anaesthesiol BelgB
  4650. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica
  4651. Acta Anaesthesiol ScandB#Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
  4652. Acta CardiolB
  4653. Acta Cardiologica
  4654. Acta Chir BelgB
  4655. Acta Chirurgica Belgica
  4656. Acta NeurochirB
  4657. Acta Neurochirurgica
  4658. Acta Obstet Gynecol ScandB-Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
  4659. Acta OncolB
  4660. Acta Oncologica
  4661. Acta OphthalmolB
  4662. Acta Ophthalmologica
  4663. Acta Orthop BelgB
  4664. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica
  4665. Acta Orthop Scand SupplB+Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica Supplementum
  4666. Acta Otolaryngol SupplB!Acta Oto-laryngologica Supplement
  4667. Acta PaediatrB
  4668. Acta Paediatrica
  4669. Acta Paediatr JpnB
  4670. Acta Paediatrica Japonica
  4671. Acta Paediatr SupplB
  4672. Acta Paediatrica Supplement
  4673. Acta Psychiatr Scand SupplB
  4674. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
  4675. Acta RadiolB
  4676. Acta Radiologica
  4677. Adm RadiolB
  4678. Administrative Radiology
  4679. Adm Soc WorkB
  4680. Administration in Social Work
  4681. Adolesc Psychiatry
  4682. Adolescent Psychiatry
  4683. Adv DataB
  4684. Advance Data
  4685. Adv Exp Med BiolB-Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
  4686. Adv Health Econ Health Serv ResB9Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
  4687. A    Age AgingB
  4688. Age and Aging
  4689. AgingB
  4690. Aging
  4691. AIDSB
  4692. A    AIDS CareB    AIDS Care
  4693. AIDS Clin RevB
  4694. AIDS Clinical Review
  4695. AIDS Educ PrevB
  4696. AIDS Education and Prevention
  4697.  A    Air Med JB
  4698. Air Medical Journal
  4699. AJNR AM J NeuroradiolB(AJNR, American Journal of Neuroradiology
  4700. AJR AM J RoentgenolB&AJR, American Journal of Roentgenology
  4701. AllergyB
  4702. Allergy
  4703. Allergy ProcB
  4704. Allergy Proceedings
  4705. Alzheimer Dis Assoc DisordB*Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
  4706. Am Econ RevB
  4707. American Economic Review
  4708. Am Fam PhysicianB
  4709. American Family Physician
  4710. Am Heart JB
  4711. American Heart Journal
  4712. Am Ind Hyg Assoc JB/American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal
  4713. *A0Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res Monogr Ser
  4714. *BJAmerican Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, Monograph Series
  4715. Am J Art TherB
  4716. American Journal of Art Therapy
  4717. Am J CardiolB
  4718. American Journal of Cardiology
  4719. Am J Clin NutrB&American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  4720. Am J Clin PatholB&American Journal of Clinical Pathology
  4721. Am J Community PsycholB(American Journal of Community Psychology
  4722. Am J Crit CareB!American Journal of Critical Care
  4723. Am J Dis ChildB(American Journal of Diseases of Children
  4724. Am J Emerg MedB&American Journal of Emergency Medicine
  4725. Am J EpidemiolB American Journal of Epidemiology
  4726. Am J Forensic Med PatholB3American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology
  4727. Am J GastroenterolB$American Journal of Gastroenterology
  4728. Am J Hosp Palliat CareB/American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
  4729. Am J Hosp PharmB%American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
  4730. Am J Hum GenetB"American Journal of Human Genetics
  4731. Am J Ind MedB'American Journal of Industrial Medicine
  4732. Am J Infect ControlB%American Journal of Infection Control
  4733. Am J Kidney DisB#American Journal of Kidney Diseases
  4734. Am J Law MedB$American Journal of Law and Medicine
  4735. Am J MedB
  4736. American Journal of Medicine
  4737. Am J Med GenetB$American Journal of Medical Genetics
  4738. Am J Med QualB#American Journal of Medical Quality
  4739. Am J Med SciB(American Journal of The Medical Sciences
  4740. Am J NephrolB
  4741. American Journal of Nephrology
  4742. BA    Am J NursB
  4743. American Journal of Nursing
  4744. Am J Obstet GynecolB-American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  4745. Am J Occup TherB(American Journal of Occupational Therapy
  4746. EA    Am J OtolB
  4747. American Journal of Otology
  4748. Am J OtolaryngolB"American Journal of Otolaryngology
  4749. Am J Pediatr Hematol OncolB1American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
  4750. Am J PerinatolB American Journal of Perinatology
  4751. Am J Phys Med RehabilB8American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  4752. Am J Prev MedB'American Journal of Preventive Medicine
  4753. Am J PsychiatryB
  4754. American Journal of Psychiatry
  4755. Am J PsychoanalB"American Journal of Psychoanalysis
  4756. Am J Public HealthB!American Journal of Public Health
  4757. Am J Respir Crit Care MedB:American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
  4758. OA    Am J SurgB
  4759. American Journal of Surgery
  4760. Am J Surg PatholB&American Journal of Surgical Pathology
  4761. Am PharmB
  4762. American Pharmacy
  4763. Am PsycholB
  4764. American Psychologist
  4765. Am Rev Respir DisB&American Review of Respiratory Disease
  4766. Am SurgB
  4767. American Surgeon
  4768. AnaesthesiaB
  4769. Anaesthesia
  4770. Anesth AnalgB
  4771. Anesthesia and Analgesia
  4772. AnesthesiologyB
  4773. Anesthesiology
  4774. Ann AllergyB
  4775. Annals of Allergy
  4776. Ann Chir Gynaecol SupplB0Annales Chirurgiae Et Gynaecologiae Supplementum
  4777. Ann Clin BiochemB
  4778. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry
  4779. Ann Emerg MedB
  4780. Annals of Emergency Medicine
  4781. Ann EpidemiolB
  4782. Annals of Epidemiology
  4783. Ann HematolB
  4784. Annals of Hematology
  4785. Ann Intern MedB
  4786. Annals of Internal Medicine
  4787. Ann NY Acad Sci
  4788. _B*Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
  4789. `A    Ann OncolB
  4790. Annals of Oncology
  4791. Ann OphthalmolB
  4792. Annals of Ophthalmology
  4793. Ann Otol Rhinol LaryngolB,Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
  4794. Ann PharmacotherB
  4795. Annals of Pharmacotherapy
  4796. Ann Plast SurgB
  4797. Annals of Plastic Surgery
  4798. Ann R Coll Surg EnglB2Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
  4799. Ann SurgB
  4800. Annals of Surgery
  4801. Ann Thorac SurgB
  4802. Annals of Thoracic Surgery
  4803. Ann Vasc SurgB
  4804. Annals of Vascular Surgery
  4805. Annu Rev Public HealthB
  4806. Annual Review of Public Health
  4807. Anticancer ResB
  4808. Anticancer Research
  4809. Antimicrob Agents ChemotherB%Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
  4810. AORN JB2AORN Journal, Association of Operating Room Nurses
  4811. Arch DermatolB
  4812. Archives of Dermatology
  4813. Arch Dis ChildB Archives of Disease in Childhood
  4814. Arch Emerg MedB
  4815. Archives of Emergency Medicine
  4816. Arch Environ HealthB
  4817. Archives of Environmetal Health
  4818. Arch Esp UrolB
  4819. Archivos Espanoles De Urologia
  4820. Arch Fam Med
  4821. Archives of Family Medicine
  4822. Arch Gen PsychiatryB
  4823. Archives of General Psychiatry
  4824. Arch Intern MedB
  4825. Archives of Internal Medicine
  4826. Arch NeurolB
  4827. Archives of Neurology
  4828. Arch OphthalmolB
  4829. Archives of Ophthalmology
  4830. Arch Orthop Trauma SurgB*Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
  4831. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck SurgB2Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  4832. Arch Pathol Lab MedB-Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
  4833. Arch Pediatr Adolesc MedB.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
  4834. Arch Phys Med RehabilB0Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  4835. |A    Arch SurgB
  4836. Archives of Surgery
  4837. Arctic Med ResB
  4838. Artic Medical Research
  4839. Arthritis RheumB
  4840. Arthritis and Rheumatism
  4841. Artif OrgansB
  4842. Artificial Organs
  4843. ASHAB2ASHA, American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association
  4844. Aust Clin RevB
  4845. Australian Clinical Review
  4846. Aust Fam PhysicianB
  4847. Australian Family Physician
  4848. Aust Health RevB
  4849. Australian Health Review
  4850. Aust J Public Health
  4851. B#Australian Journal of Public Health
  4852. Aust Med Rec JB!Australian Medical Record Journal
  4853. Aust N Z J MedB.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine
  4854. Aust N Z Obstet GynaecolB@Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  4855. Aust N Z J OphthalmolB4Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalomology
  4856. Aust NZ J SurgB-Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery
  4857. Australas RadiolB
  4858. Australasian Radiology
  4859. Aviat Space Environ MedB)Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine
  4860. Baillieres Clin Obstet GynaecolB.Baillieres Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  4861. Behav ModifB
  4862. Behavior Modification
  4863. Behav Res TherB
  4864. Behavior Research and Therapy
  4865. Biomed Instrum TechnolB)Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology
  4866. BloodB
  4867. Blood
  4868. BoneB
  4869. Bone Marrow TransplantB
  4870. Bone Marrow Transplantation
  4871. Br Heart JB
  4872. British Heart Journal
  4873. Br J AnaesthB
  4874. British Journal of Anaesthesia
  4875. Br J Audiol
  4876. British Journal of Audiology
  4877. Br J CancerB
  4878. British Journal of Cancer
  4879. Br J Clin PractB$British Journal of Clinical Practice
  4880. Br J DermatolB
  4881. British Journal of Dermatology
  4882. Br J Gen PractB#British Journal of General Practice
  4883. Br J Hosp MedB$British Journal of Hospital Medicine
  4884. Br J Med PsycholB%British Journal of Medical Psychology
  4885. Br J Obstet GynaecolB-British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  4886. Br J Plast SurgB"British Journal of Plastic Surgery
  4887. Br J RadiolB
  4888. British Journal of Radiology
  4889. Br J RheumatolB
  4890. British Journal of Rheumatology
  4891. A    Br J SurgB
  4892. British Journal of Surgery
  4893. A    Br J UrolB
  4894. British Journal of Urology
  4895. Br Med BullB
  4896. British Medical Bulletin
  4897. A    Brain InjB
  4898. Brain Injury
  4899. Brain PatholB
  4900. Brain Pathology
  4901. Breast Cancer Res TreatB$Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
  4902. Brookings RevB
  4903. Brookings Rev
  4904. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry LawB6Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
  4905. Bull Am Coll Surg
  4906. B,Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons
  4907. Bull Hist MedB#Bulletin of the History of Medicine
  4908. Bull Hosp Jt DisB&Bulletin / Hospital for Joint Diseases
  4909. Bull Med Libr AssocB+Bulletin of the Medical Library Association
  4910. Bull Menninger ClinB Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
  4911. Bull N Y Acad MedB,Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
  4912. A    Bull NarcB
  4913. Bulletin on Narcotics
  4914. Bull Pan Am Health OrganB0Bulletin of the Pan American Health organization
  4915. Bull Rheum DisB"Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases
  4916. Bull World Health OrganB)Bulletin of the World Health Organization
  4917. BurnsB
  4918. Burns
  4919. Bus HealthB
  4920. Business and Health
  4921. Calcif Tissue IntB
  4922. Calcified Tissue International
  4923. Calif HospB
  4924. California Hospitals
  4925. Cam Q Healthc EthicsB(Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
  4926. Can Assoc Radiol JB,Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal
  4927. Can Fam PhysicianB
  4928. Canadian Family Physician
  4929. Can J AnaesthB
  4930. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia
  4931. Can J Appl PhysiolB&Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology
  4932. Can J CardiolB
  4933. Canadian Journal of Cardiology
  4934. Can J Hosp PharmB%Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
  4935. Can J Med Radiat TechnolB0Canadian Journal of Medical Radiation Technology
  4936. Can J Med TechnolB&Canadian Journal of Medical Technology
  4937. Can J Neurol SciB)Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
  4938. Can J Occup TherB(Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  4939. Can J OncolB
  4940. Canadian Journal of Oncology
  4941. Can J PsychiatryB
  4942. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
  4943. Can J Public HealthB!Canadian Journal of Public Health
  4944. Can J SurgB
  4945. Canadian Journal of Surgery
  4946. Can Med Assoc JB$Canadian Medical Association Journal
  4947. CancerB
  4948. Cancer
  4949. Cancer Causes ControlB
  4950. Cancer Causes and Control
  4951. Cancer Detect PrevB
  4952. Cancer Detection and Prevention
  4953. A Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers PrevB.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
  4954. Cancer InvestB
  4955. Cancer Investigation
  4956. CardiologyB
  4957. Cardiology
  4958. CaringB
  4959. Caring
  4960. Case Stud Health AdmB%Case Studies in Health Administration
  4961. Cathet Cardiovasc DiagnB,Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis
  4962. ChestB
  4963. Chest
  4964. Child Health CareB
  4965. Childrens Health Care
  4966. Child Psychiatry Hum DevB&Child Psychiatry and Human Development
  4967. Child TodayB
  4968. Children Today
  4969. Child WelfareB
  4970. Child Welfare
  4971. Chronobiol IntB
  4972. Chronobiology International
  4973. ChronobiologiaB
  4974. Chronobiologia
  4975. CirculationB
  4976. Circulation
  4977. Clev Clin J MedB$Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
  4978. Clin Auton ResB
  4979. Clinical Autonomic Research
  4980. Clin BiochemB
  4981. Clinical Biochemistry
  4982. A    Clin ChemB
  4983. Clinical Chemistry
  4984. Clin Chest MedB
  4985. Clinics in Chest Medicine
  4986. Clin Chim ActaB
  4987. Clinica Chimica Acta
  4988. Clin ElectroencephalogrB
  4989. Clinical Electroencephalography
  4990. Clin EndocrinolB
  4991. Clinical Endocrinology
  4992. Clin Exp DermatolB%Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
  4993. Clin Exp RheumatolB&Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
  4994. Clin Geriatr Med
  4995. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine
  4996. Clin Infect DisB
  4997. Clinical Infectious Diseases
  4998. Clin Invest MedB#Clinical and Investigative Medicine
  4999. Clin J PainB
  5000. Clinical Journal of Pain
  5001. Clin Lab HaematolB#Clinical and Laboratory Haematology
  5002. Clin Lab Manage RevB%Clinical Laboratory Management Review
  5003. Clin Lab MedB
  5004. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine
  5005. Clin Microbiol RevB
  5006. Clinical Microbiology Reviews
  5007. Clin Neurol NeurosurgB#Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
  5008. Clin NeurosurgB
  5009. Clinical Neurosurgery
  5010. Clin Obstet GynecolB"Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
  5011. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol)B1Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists)
  5012. Clin OrthopB*Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
  5013. Clin PediatrB
  5014. Clinical Pediatrics
  5015. Clin Perform Qual Health CareB,Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care
  5016. Clin PerinatolB
  5017. Clinics in Perinatology
  5018. Clin PharmB
  5019. Clinical Pharmacy
  5020. Clin PharmacokinetB
  5021. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  5022. Clin Pharmacol Ther
  5023. B&Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  5024. Clin RadiolB
  5025. Clinical Radiology
  5026. Clin ResB
  5027. Clinical Research
  5028. A    Clin TherB
  5029. Clinical Therapeutics
  5030. Clin TransplantB
  5031. Clinical Transplantation
  5032. Clio MedB
  5033. Clio Medica
  5034. Commun Dis Rep CDR RevB'Communicable Disease Report, CDR Review
  5035. Commun Dis Rep CDR WklyB'Communicable Disease Report, CDR Weekly
  5036. Commun Ment Health JB
  5037. Community Mental Health Journal
  5038. Compr PsychiatryB
  5039. Comprehensive Psychiatry
  5040. Compr TherB
  5041. Comprehensive Therapy
  5042. Comput Biomed ResB!Computers and Biomedical Research
  5043. Comput HealthcB
  5044. Computers in Healthcare
  5045. Comput Med Imaging GraphB)Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
  5046. Comput Methods Programs BiomedB,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
  5047. Comput NursB
  5048. Computers in Nursing
  5049. Contact DermatitisB
  5050. Contact Dermatitis
  5051. Contemp Longterm CareB
  5052. Contemporary Longterm Care
  5053. Control Clin TrialsB
  5054. Controlled Clinical Trials
  5055. Coron Artery DisB
  5056. Coronary Artery Disease
  5057. CrisisB
  5058. Crisis
  5059. Crit Care ClinB
  5060. Critical Care Clinics
  5061. Crit Care MedB
  5062. Critical Care Medicine
  5063. Crit Care Nurs Clin North AmB.Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America
  5064. Crit Care Nurs QB
  5065. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly
  5066. Crit Care NurseB
  5067. Critical Care Nurse
  5068. Cult Med PsychiatryB Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
  5069. Curr Opin Obstet GynecolB,Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  5070. Curr Opin PediatrB
  5071. Current Opinion in Pediatrics
  5072. Curr Opin RheumatolB
  5073. Current Opinion in Rheumatology
  5074. A Curr Stud Hematol Blood TransfusB3Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion
  5075. CutisB
  5076. Cutis
  5077. A    CytometryB    Cytometry
  5078. Dan Med BullB
  5079. Danish Medical Bulletin
  5080. Death StudB
  5081. Death Studies
  5082. DementiaB
  5083. Dementia
  5084. Dev Biol StandB*Developments in Biological Standardization
  5085. Diabet MedB
  5086. Diabetic Medicine
  5087. Diabetes CareB
  5088. Diabetes Care
  5089. Diabetes Res Clin PractB'Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
  5090. Diagn Cytopathol
  5091. Diagnostic Cytopathology
  5092. Dig Dis SciB
  5093. Digestive Diseases and Sciences
  5094. Dis Colon RectumB Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
  5095. Disabil RehabilB
  5096. Disability and Rehabilitation
  5097. Disch Plann UpdateB
  5098. Discharge Planning Update
  5099. Drug SafB
  5100. Drug Safety
  5101. Drug Ther BullB
  5102. Drug and Therapeutic Bulletin
  5103. DrugsB
  5104. Drugs
  5105. Ear HearB
  5106. Ear and Hearing
  5107. Emerg Med Clin North AmB*Emergency medical Clinics of North America
  5108. Emerg Med ServB
  5109. Emergency Medical Services
  5110. 'A    EncephaleB    Encephale
  5111. (A    EndoscopyB    Endoscopy
  5112. Environ Health PerspectB!Environmental Health Perspectives
  5113. Environ ResB
  5114. Environmental Research
  5115. Epidemiol InfectB
  5116. Epidemiology and Infection
  5117. Epidemiol RevB
  5118. Epidemiologic Reviews
  5119. EpidemiologyB
  5120. Epidemiology
  5121. .A    EpilepsiaB    Epilepsia
  5122. Epilepsy Res SupplB
  5123. Epilepsy Research Supplement
  5124. ErgonomicsB
  5125. Ergonomics
  5126. Ethn DisB
  5127. Ethnicity and Disease
  5128. 2A!Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci
  5129. 2B9European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
  5130. Eur Heart JB
  5131. European Heart Journal
  5132. Eur J AnaesthesiolB#European Journal of Anaesthesiology
  5133. Eur J Anaesthesiol SupplB.European Journal of Anaesthesiology Supplement
  5134. Eur J CancerB
  5135. European Journal of Cancer
  5136. Eur J Cardiothorac SurgB*European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
  5137. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect DisBAEuropean Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
  5138. Eur J Clin  PharmacologyB)European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
  5139. Eur J Disord CommunB.European Journal of Disorders of Communication
  5140. Eur J EpidemiolB European Journal of Epidemiology
  5141. <A    Eur J MedB
  5142. European Journal of Medicine
  5143. Eur J Nucl MedB$European Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  5144. >A Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod BiolBDEuropean Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
  5145. Eur J PediatrB
  5146. European Journal of Pediatrics
  5147. Eur J Pediatr SurgB%European Journal of Pediatric Surgery
  5148. Eur J Surg OncolB%European Journal of Surgical Oncology
  5149. Eur J Surg SupplB1European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Supplement
  5150. Eur J Vasc SurgB$European Journal of Vascular Surgery
  5151. Eur Respir JB
  5152. European Respiratory Journal
  5153. Eval Health ProfB$Evaluation and the Heath Professions
  5154. Exp GerontolB
  5155. Experimental Gerontology
  5156. Fam MedB
  5157. Family Medicine
  5158. IA    Fam PractB
  5159. Family Practice
  5160. Fam Pract Res JB Family Practice Research Journal
  5161. Faulkner Grays Med HealthB&Faulkner and Grays Medicine and Health
  5162. FDA ConsumB
  5163. FDA Consumer
  5164. Fed RegistB
  5165. Federal Register
  5166. Food ManageB
  5167. Food Management
  5168. Forensic Sci IntB
  5169. Forensic Science International
  5170. FortuneB
  5171. Fortune
  5172. Funct NeurolB
  5173. Functional Neurology
  5174. Fundam Clin PharmacolB%Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
  5175. G Ital CardiolB Giornale Italiano Di Cardiologia
  5176. GastroenterologistB
  5177. Gastroenterologist
  5178. Gastrointest EndoscB
  5179. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  5180. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N AmB3Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America
  5181. Gen Hosp PsychiatryB
  5182. General Hospital Psychiatry
  5183. Ger J OphthalmolB
  5184. German Journal of Ophthalmology
  5185. GeriatricsB
  5186. Geriatrics
  5187. GerontologistB
  5188. Gerontologist
  5189. GerontologyB
  5190. Gerontology
  5191. Gynecol OncolB
  5192. Gynecologic Oncology
  5193. Harv Bus RevB
  5194. Harvard Business Review
  5195. Hastings Cent RepB
  5196. Hastings Center Report
  5197. `A    Head NeckB
  5198. Head and Neck
  5199. HeadacheB
  5200. Headache
  5201. Health AffB
  5202. Health Affairs
  5203. Health BullB
  5204. Health Bulletin
  5205. Health Care AnalB
  5206. Health Care Analysis
  5207. Health Care Financ RevB
  5208. Health Care Financing Review
  5209. Health Care Law NewslB
  5210. Health Care Law Newsletter
  5211. Health Care Manage RevB
  5212. Health Care Management Review
  5213. Health Care Reform WeekB
  5214. Health Care Reform Week
  5215. Health Care Strateg ManageB Health Care Strategic Management
  5216. Health Care SupervB
  5217. Health Care Supervisor
  5218. Health DevicesB
  5219. Health Devices
  5220. Health Econ
  5221. Health Economics
  5222. Health Educ QB
  5223. Health Education Quarterly
  5224. Health Estate JB
  5225. Health Estate Journal
  5226. Health Facil ManageB
  5227. Health Facilities Management
  5228. Health Manage TechnolB
  5229. Health Management Technology
  5230. Health Manage QB
  5231. Health Management Quarterly
  5232. Health Mark QB
  5233. Health Marketing Quarterly
  5234. Health PAC BullB
  5235. Health PAC Bulletin
  5236. Health PhysB
  5237. Health Physics
  5238. Health PolicyB
  5239. Health Policy
  5240. Health Policy PlanB
  5241. Health Policy and Planning
  5242. Health ProgB
  5243. Health Progress
  5244. Health PsycholB
  5245. Health Psychology
  5246. Health RepB
  5247. Health Reports
  5248. Health Serv JB
  5249. Health Service Journal
  5250. Health Serv ManageB
  5251. Health Services Management
  5252. Health Serv ResB
  5253. Health Services Research
  5254. Health Soc WorkB
  5255. Health and Social Work
  5256. Health Syst RevB
  5257. Health Systems Review
  5258. Health TrendsB
  5259. Health Trends
  5260. Healthc Financ ManageB
  5261. Healthcare Financial Management
  5262. Healthc Forum JB
  5263. Healthcare Forum Journal
  5264. Healthc Inf Manage
  5265. B!Healthcare Information Management
  5266. Healthc InformB
  5267. Healthcare Informatics
  5268. A    HEC ForumB    HEC Forum
  5269. HepatologyB
  5270. Hepatology
  5271. A    HMO PractB
  5272. HMO Practice
  5273. Home Health Care Serv QB#Home Health Care Services Quarterly
  5274. Hosp Community PsychiatryB!Hospital and Community Psychiatry
  5275. Hosp Cost Manag AccountB'Hospital Cost Management and Accounting
  5276. Hosp EthicsB
  5277. Hospital Ethics
  5278. Hosp Food Nutr FocusB!Hospital Food and Nutrition Focus
  5279. Hosp FormulB
  5280. Hospital Formulary
  5281. Hosp Health NetwB
  5282. Hospitals and Health Networks
  5283. Hosp Health Serv AdmB+Hospital and Health Services Administration
  5284. Hosp JB
  5285. Hospital Journal
  5286. Hosp Law NewslB
  5287. Hospital Law Newsletter
  5288. Hosp Mater ManageB
  5289. Hospital Materials Management
  5290. Hosp Mater Manage QB&Hospital Material Management Quarterly
  5291. Hosp PharmB
  5292. Hospital Pharmacy
  5293. Hosp Pract (Off Ed)B"Hospital Practice (Office Edition)
  5294. Hosp Secur Saf ManageB'Hospital Security and Safety Management
  5295. Hosp Strategy Rep
  5296. Hospital Strategy Report
  5297. Hosp Technol SerB
  5298. Hospital Technology Series
  5299. Hosp TopicsB
  5300. Hospital Topics
  5303. Hum Exp ToxicolB!Human and Experimental Toxicology
  5304. Hum Gene TherB
  5305. Human Gene Therapy
  5306. HygieB
  5307. Hygie
  5308. In VivoB
  5309. In Vivo
  5310. Infect Control Hosp EpidemiolB+Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
  5311. A    InfectionB    Infection
  5312. InjuryB
  5313. Injury
  5314. InquiryB
  5315. Inquiry
  5316. Int Arch Occup Environ HealthB?International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
  5317. Int Clin PsychopharmacolB)International Clinical Psychopharmacology
  5318. Int J Aging Hum DevB4International Journal of Aging and Human Development
  5319. Int J Artif OrgansB*International Journal of Artificial Organs
  5320. Int J Biomed ComputB.International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing
  5321. Int J CardiolB#International Journal of Cardiology
  5322. Int J Clin Monit ComputB:International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
  5323. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther
  5324. B.International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
  5325. Int J Colorectal DisB+International Journal of Colorectal Disease
  5326. Int J DermatolB$International Journal of Dermatology
  5327. Int J Eat DisordB)International Journal of Eating Disorders
  5328. Int J EpidemiolB%International Journal of Epidemiology
  5329. Int J Group PsychotherB,International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
  5330. Int J Gynaecol ObstetB3International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
  5331. Int J Gynecol PatholB0International Journal of Gynecological Pathology
  5332. Int J Health Care Qual AssurB6International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
  5333. Int J Health Plann ManageB7International Journal of Health Planning and Management
  5334. Int J Health ServB(International Journal of Health Services
  5335. Int J Law PsychiatryB+International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
  5336. A.Int J Med Microbiol Virol Parasitol Infect DisB]International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology and Infectious Diseases
  5337. Int J Pediatr OtorhinolarngolB5International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolarngology
  5338. Int J Psychiatry MedB/International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine
  5339. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol PhysB=International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
  5340. Int J Rehabil ResB0International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
  5341. Int J STD AIDSB%International Journal of STD and AIDS
  5342. A Int J Technol Assess Health CareB=International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
  5343. Int OrthopB
  5344. International Orthopaedics
  5345. Int SurgB
  5346. International Surgery
  5347. Integr Healthc RepB
  5348. Integrated Healthcare report
  5349. Intensive Care MedicineB
  5350. Intensive Care Medicine
  5351. A    InteriorsB    Interiors
  5352. A    InternistB    Internist
  5353. Invest RadiolB
  5354. Investigative Radiology
  5355. Ir J Med SciB Irish Journal of Medical Science
  5356. Ir J MedB
  5357. Irish Medical Journal
  5358. Isr J Med SciB"Israel Journal of Medical Sciences
  5359. Issues Law MedB
  5360. Issues in Law and Medicine
  5361. Issues Sci Technol
  5362. B Issues in Science and Technology
  5363. Ital J GastroenterolB#Italian Journal of Gastroenterology
  5364. J Acad Hosp AdmB,Journal / Academy of Hospital Administration
  5365. J Acquir Immune Defic SyndrB/Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
  5366. J Adolesc HealthB
  5367. Journal of Adolescent Health
  5368. J Aging HealthB
  5369. Journal of Aging and Health
  5370. J AHIMAB
  5371. Journal of AHIMA
  5372. A"J Am Acad Child Adolesc PsychiatryBAJournal of the American Academy of Child and Adolscent Psychiatry
  5373. J Allied HealthB
  5374. Journal of Allied Health
  5375. J Am Acad DermatolB.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
  5376. J Am Assoc Med TranscrB=Journal of the American Association for Medical Transcription
  5377. J Am Board Fam PractB0Journal of the American Board of Family Practice
  5378. J Am Coll SurgB+Journal of the American College of Surgeons
  5379. J Am Dent AssocB*Journal of the American Dental Association
  5380. J Am Diet AssocB,Journal of the American Dietetic Association
  5381. J Am Geriatr Assoc
  5382. B.Journal of the American Geriatrics Association
  5383. J Am Health PolicyB%Journal of the American Health Policy
  5384. J Am Med Wom AssocB2Journal of the American Medical Womans Association
  5385. J Am Optom AssocB.Journal of the American Optometric Association
  5386. J Am Osteopath AssocB/Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
  5387. J Am Podiatr Med AssocB5Journal of the American Posiatirc Medical Association
  5388. J Am Soc NephrolB-Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
  5389. J Ambulatory Care ManageB%Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
  5390. J Antimicrob ChemotherB%Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  5391. J AOAC IntB
  5392. Journal of AOAC International
  5393. J Appl BacteriolB
  5394. Journal of Applied Bacteriology
  5395. J Appl PsycholB
  5396. Journal of Applied Psychology
  5397. J AnthroplastyB
  5398. Journal of Anthroplasty
  5399. J AsthmaB
  5400. Journal of Asthma
  5401. J BiocommunB
  5402. Journal of Biocommunication
  5403. J Biol PhotogrB!Journal of Biological Photography
  5404. J Bone Joint Surg Am
  5405. B1Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery American Volume
  5406. J Bone Joint Surg BrB0Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery British Volume
  5407. J Can Dent AssocB%Journal / Canadian Dental Association
  5408. J Can Diet AssocB,Journal of the Canadian Dietetic Association
  5409. J Cancer EducB
  5410. Journal of Cancer Education
  5411. J Cardiothorac Vasc AnesthB1Journal of Cardiovascular and Vascular Anesthesia
  5412. J Cardiovasc ManagB$Journal of Cardiovascular Management
  5413. J Cadiovasc PharmacolB&Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  5414. J Cardiovasc SurgB!Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
  5415. J Cataract Refract SurgB*Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  5416. J Cell Biochem SupplB+Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Supplement
  5417. J Clin AnesthB
  5418. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
  5419. J Clin ComputB
  5420. Journal of Clinical Computing
  5421. J Clin Endcrinol MetabB0Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
  5422. J Clin EngB
  5423. Journal of Clinical Engineering
  5424. J Clin EpidemiolB Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
  5425. J Clin EthicsB
  5426. Journal of Clinical Ethics
  5427. J Clin MicrobiolB Journal of Clinical Microbiology
  5428. J Clin MonitB
  5429. Journal of Clinical Monitoring
  5430. J Clin NeurophysiolB#Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
  5431. J Clin OncolB
  5432. Journal of Clinical Oncology
  5433. J Clin PatholB
  5434. Journal of Clinical Pathology
  5435. J Clin Pharm TherB-Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  5436. J Clin PharmcolB Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
  5437. J Clin PsychiatryB
  5438. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
  5439. J Clin PsycholB
  5440. Journal of Clinical Psychology
  5441. J Community HealthB
  5442. Journal of Community Health
  5443. J Consult Clin PsycholB-Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  5444. J Contemp Health Law PolicyB-Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
  5445. J Crit CareB
  5446. Journal of Critical Care
  5447. J Digit ImagingB
  5448. Journal of Digital Imaging
  5449. J Drug EducB
  5450. Journal of Drug Education
  5451. J Econ PerspectB Journal of Economic Perspectives
  5452. J Emerg MedB
  5453. Journal of Emergency Medicine
  5454. J Emerg Med ServB%Journal of Emergence Medical Services
  5455. J EndourolB
  5456. Journal of Endourology
  5457. J Epidemiol Community HealthB,Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
  5458. J Fam PractB
  5459. Journal of Family Practice
  5460. J Forensic SciB
  5461. Journal of Forensic Sciences
  5462. J Geriatr Psychiatry NeurolB-Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology
  5463. J GerontolB
  5464. Journal of Gerontology
  5465. J Hand Surg (Am)B(Journal of Hand Surgery, American Volume
  5466. J Hand Surg (Br)B'Journal of Hand Surgery, British Volume
  5467. J Hand TherB
  5468. Journal of Hand Therapy
  5469. J Health Adm EducB*Journal of Health Administration Education
  5470. J Health Care BenefitsB
  5471. Journal of Health Care Benefits
  5472. J Health Care ChaplainB!Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy
  5473. J Health Care MarkB Journal of Health Care Marketing
  5474. J Health Care Poor UnderservedB3Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
  5475. J Health EconB
  5476. Journal of Health Economics
  5477. J Health Hosp Law
  5478. B"Journal of Health and Hospital Law
  5479. J Health Hum Resour AdmB4Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration
  5480. J Health Polit Policy LawB.Journal of Health Politics and, Policy and Law
  5481. J Health Soc BehavB%Journal of Health and Social Behavior
  5482. J Health Soc PolicyB#Journal of Health and Social Policy
  5483. J Healthc DesB
  5484. Journal of Healthcare Design
  5485. J Healthc Prot ManageB+Journal of Healthcare Protection Management
  5486. J Healthc QualB
  5487. Journal of Healthcare Quality
  5488. J Healthc Risk ManageB%Journal of Healthcare Risk Management
  5489. J Heart Lung TransplantB)Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
  5490. J Heart Valve DisB
  5491. Journal of Heart Valve Disease
  5492. J HematotherB
  5493. Journal of Hematotherapy
  5494. J Hist Med Allied SciB6Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
  5495. J Hosp InfectB
  5496. Journal of Hospital Infection
  5497. J Hum HypertensionB
  5498. Journal of Human Hypertension
  5499. J Infect DisB
  5500. Journal of Infectious Diseases
  5501. J Intellect Disabil Res
  5502. )B+Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
  5503. J Invest DermatolB$Journal of Investigative Dermatology
  5504. J Lab Clin MedB+Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
  5505. J Laparoendoc SurgB#Journal of Laparoendoscopic Surgery
  5506. J Laryngol OntolB"Journal of Laryngology and Otology
  5507. J Law Med EthicsB#Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics
  5508. /A    J Leg MedB
  5509. Journal of Legal Medicine
  5510. J Long Term Care AdminB(Journal of Long Term Care Administration
  5511. J Long Term Home Health CareB%Journal of Long Term Home Health Care
  5512. J Med Eng TechnolB-Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology
  5513. J Med EthicsB
  5514. Journal of Medical Ethics
  5515. J Med PhilosB!Journal of Medicine and Philosphy
  5516. 5A    J Med SysB
  5517. Journal of Medical Systems
  5518. J Med VirolB
  5519. Journal of Medical Virology
  5520. J Ment Health AdmB'Journal of Mental Health Administration
  5521. J Natl Cancer InstB(Journal of the National Cancer Institute
  5522. J Natl Med AssocB+Journal of the National Medical Association
  5523. J Neurol Neurosurg PsychiatryB1Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
  5524. J NeuroradiolB
  5525. Journal of Neuroradiology
  5526. J NeurosurgB
  5527. Journal of Neurosurgery
  5528. J Nucl MedB
  5529. Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  5530. J Nurs AdmB!Journal of Nursing Administration
  5531. J Nurs Care QualB
  5532. Journal of Nursing Care Quality
  5533. J Nurs Staff DevB$Journal of Nursing Staff Development
  5534. J Occup MedB Journal of Occupational Medicine
  5535. J Orthop Sports Phys TherB2Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
  5536. J Orthop TraumaB
  5537. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
  5538. J Paediatr Child HealthB'Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
  5539. J Palliat CareB
  5540. Journal of Palliative Care
  5541. J Pastoral CareB
  5542. Journal of Pastoral Care
  5543. J PatholB
  5544. Journal of Pathology
  5545. HA    J PediatrB
  5546. Journal of Pediatrics
  5547. J Pediatr OrthopB Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics
  5548. J Pediatr PsycholB
  5549. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
  5550. J Pediatr SurgB
  5551. Journal of Pediatric Surgery
  5552. J Perinatol
  5553. Journal of Perinatology
  5554. J Pharm Biomed AnalB1Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
  5555. J Pharm PharmacolB$Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  5556. J Pharm SciB"Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  5557. J Pharm TechnolB
  5558. Journal of Pharmacy Technology
  5559. J Policy Anal ManageB)Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
  5560. J Prof NursB
  5561. Journal of Professional Nursing
  5562. J Psychiatr ResB
  5563. Journal of Psychiatric Research
  5564. J Psycholinguist ResB$Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
  5565. J Psychosom Obstet GynaecolB3Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  5566. J Psychosom ResB!Journal of Psychosomatic Research
  5567. J Public Health MedB!Journal of Public Health Medicine
  5568. J Public Health PolicyB
  5569. Journal of Public Health Policy
  5570. J Qual Clin PractB'Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice
  5571. J R Coll Physicians LondB4Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London
  5572. J R Coll Surg EdinbB5Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  5573. J R Soc HealthB&Journal of the Royal Society of Health
  5574. J R Soc MedB(Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
  5575. J Refrac Corneal SurgB)Journal of Refractive and Corneal Surgery
  5576. J Reprod MedB Journal of Reproductive Medicine
  5577. J RheumatolB
  5578. Journal of Rheumatology
  5579. J Rural HealthB
  5580. Journal of Rural Health
  5581. J Soc Health SystB)Journal of the Society for Health Systems
  5582. J Soc PsycholB
  5583. Journal of Social Psychology
  5584. J Spinal DisordB
  5585. Journal of Spinal Disorders
  5586. J Stud AlcoholB
  5587. Journal of Studies on Alcohol
  5588. J Subst AbuseB
  5589. Journal of Substance Abuse
  5590. J Surg ResB
  5591. Journal of Surgical Research
  5592. J Thorac Cardiovasc SurgB.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  5593. J TraumaB
  5594. Journal of Trauma
  5595. J UrolB
  5596. Journal of Urology
  5597. J Vasc SurgB
  5598. Journal of Vascular Surgery
  5599. J Vasc Interv RadiolB0Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
  5600. J Virol MethodsB
  5601. Journal of Virological Methods
  5602. JAMAB
  5603. Jt Comm J Qual Improv
  5604. oB/Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement
  5605. Jt Comm PerspectB
  5606. Joint Commission Perspectives
  5607. Kennedy Inst Ethics JB#Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
  5608. LancetB
  5609. Lancet
  5610. Law Contemp ProblB
  5611. Law and Contemporary Problems
  5612. Leadersh Health ServB
  5613. Leadership in Health Services
  5614. Leg MedB
  5615. Legal Medicine
  5616. Manage Care QB
  5617. Managed Care Quarterly
  5618. Mayo Clin ProcB
  5619. Mayo Clinic Proceedings
  5620. xA    MD ComputB
  5621. MD Computing
  5622. Med Biol Eng ComputB0Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
  5623. Med CareB
  5624. Medical Care
  5625. Med Care RevB
  5626. Medical Care Review
  5627. Med Clin North AmB Medical Clinics of North America
  5628. Med Decis MakingB
  5629. Medical Decision Making
  5630. Med EconB
  5631. Medical Economics
  5632. Med EducB
  5633. Medical Education
  5634. Med Eng PhysB
  5635. Medical Engineering and Physics
  5636. Med Group Manage JB Medical Group Management Journal
  5637. Med HistB
  5638. Medical History
  5639. Med HypothesesB
  5640. Medical Hypotheses
  5641. Med InfB
  5642. Medical Informatics
  5643. Med Interface
  5644. Medical Interface
  5645. Med J AustB
  5646. Medical Journal of Australia
  5647. A    Med Leg JB
  5648. Medico-Legal Journal
  5649. Med Prog TechnolB#Medical Progress Through Technology
  5650. Med Ref Serv QB%Medical References Services Quarterly
  5651. Med Sci LawB
  5652. Medicine, Science and the Law
  5653. A    Med TeachB
  5654. Medical Teacher
  5655. Med Waste AnalB
  5656. Medical Waste Analyst
  5657. Ment Health State NoteB
  5658. Mental Health Statistical Note
  5659. Methods Inf MedB"Methods of Information in Medicine
  5660. MicrobiologicaB
  5661. Microbiologica
  5662. A    Milbank QB
  5663. Milbank Quarterly
  5664. MLO Med Lab ObsB MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer
  5665. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly RepB+MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
  5666. Mod HealthcB
  5667. Modern Healthcare
  5668. Mon Labor RevB
  5669. Monthly Labor Review
  5670. Monaldi Arch Chest DisB"Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
  5671. Monogr Natl Cancer InstB$Monographs National Cancer Institute
  5672. Mt. Sinai J MedB
  5673. Mt. Sinai Journal of Medicine
  5674. Muscle NerveB
  5675. Muscle and Nerve
  5676. N Engl J Med
  5677. New England Journal of Medicine
  5678. N Z Health HospB
  5679. New Zealand Health and Hospital
  5680. A    N J Med JB
  5681. New Zealand Medical Journal
  5682. Natl Forum Hosp Health AffB-National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs
  5683. Natl J (Wash)B
  5684. National Journal
  5685. NatureB
  5686. Nature
  5687. Nephrol Dial TransplantB%Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation
  5688. NephronB
  5689. Nephron
  5690. Neth J MedB
  5691. Netherlands Journal of Medicine
  5692. NeuroepidemiologyB
  5693. Neuroepidemiology
  5694. A    NeurologyB    Neurology
  5695. NeurosurgeryB
  5696. Neurosurgery
  5697. New Dir Ment Health ServB)New Directions for Mental Health Services
  5698. A    New HorizB
  5699. Nre Horizons
  5700. Nucl Med CommunB
  5701. Nuclear Medicine Communications
  5702. Nurs Adm QB Nursing Administration Quarterly
  5703. A    Nurs EconB
  5704. Nursing Economics
  5705. Nurs ManageB
  5706. Nursing Management
  5707. Nurse PractB
  5708. Nurse Practitioner
  5709. Nutr RevB
  5710. Nutrition Reviews
  5711. A    NutritionB    Nutrition
  5712. Obstet GynecolB
  5713. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  5714. Occup Environ MedB'Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  5715. Occup Health SafB
  5716. Occupational Health and Safety
  5717. A    Occup MedB
  5718. Occupational Medicine
  5719. OncologyB
  5720. Oncology
  5721. Online J Curr Clin TrialsB)Online Journal of Current Clinical Trials
  5722. OOQ Occup Outlook QB"OOQ Occupational Outlook Quarterly
  5723. Ophthalmic SurgB
  5724. Ophthalmic Surgery
  5725. OpthalmologyB
  5726. Opthalmology
  5727. Optom Vis SciB
  5728. Optometry and Visual Science
  5729. OR ManagerB
  5730. OR Manager
  5731. OrthopedicsB
  5732. Orthopedics
  5733. Osteoporos IntB
  5734. Osteoporosis International
  5735. Otolaryngol Head Neck SurgB&Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  5736. Pacing Clin ElectrophysiolB%Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology
  5737. Paediatr Perinat EpidemiolB%Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
  5738. PainB
  5739. Palliat MedB
  5740. Palliative Medicine
  5741. ParaplegiaB
  5742. Paraplegia
  5743. A    PathologyB    Pathology
  5744. Pediatr Clin North AmB"Pediatric Clinics of North America
  5745. Pediatr Emerg CareB
  5746. Pediatric Emergency Care
  5747. Pediatr Infect Dis JB$Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
  5748. Pediatr Neurol
  5749. Pediatric Neurology
  5750. Pediatr ResB
  5751. Pediatric Research
  5752. PediatricsB
  5753. Pediatrics
  5754. Perit Dial IntB!Peritoneal Dialysis International
  5755. Pharm World SciB
  5756. Pharmacy World and Science
  5757. PharmacotherapyB
  5758. Pharmacotherapy
  5759. A    Phys TherB
  5760. Physical Therapy
  5761. Physician AssistB
  5762. Physician Assistant
  5763. Physician ExecB
  5764. Physician Executive
  5765. Physiol MeasB
  5766. Physiological Measurement
  5767. Physiother CanB
  5768. Physiotherapy Canada
  5769. Plast Reconstr SurgB"Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  5770. Postgrad MedB
  5771. Postgraduate Medicine
  5772. Postgrad Med JB
  5773. Postgraduate Medical Journal
  5774. PractitionerB
  5775. Practitioner
  5776. Prenat DiagnB
  5777. Prenatal Diagnosis
  5778. Prev MedB
  5779. Preventive Medicine
  5780. A    Prim CareB
  5781. Primary Care
  5782. Prog Cardiovasc DisB#Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
  5783. Prosthet Orthot IntB'Prosthetics and Orthotics International
  5784. ProviderB
  5785. Provider
  5786. Psychiatr Clin North AmB$Psychiatric Clinics of North America
  5787. Psychiatr QB
  5788. Psychiatric Quarterly
  5789. Psychol Aging
  5790. Psychology and Aging
  5791. Psychol RepB
  5792. Psychological Reports
  5793. Psychopharmacol BullB
  5794. Psychopharmacology Bulletin
  5795. Psychosom MedB
  5796. Psychosomatic Medicine
  5797. Public HealthB
  5798. Public Health
  5799. Public Health RepB
  5800. Public Health Reports
  5801. Public Health RevB
  5802. Public Health Reviews
  5803. Public Opin QB
  5804. Public Opinion Quarterly
  5805. Q J MedB
  5806. Quarterly Journal of Medicine
  5807. A    QRC AdvisB
  5808. QRC Advisor
  5809. Qual AssurB
  5810. Quality Assurance
  5811. Qual Assur Health CareB Quality Assurance in Health Care
  5812. Qual Health CareB
  5813. Quality in Health Care
  5814. Qual Lett Healthc LeadB%Quality Letter for Healthcare Leaders
  5815. Qual Life ResB
  5816. Quality of Life Research
  5817. Qual Manage Health CareB!Quality Management in Health Care
  5818. RadiographicsB
  5819. Radiographics
  5820. Radiol ManageB
  5821. Radiology Management
  5822. Radiol TechnolB
  5823. Radiologic Technology
  5824. A    RadiologyB    Radiology
  5825. Radiother OncolB
  5826. Radiotherapy and Oncology
  5827. Rand J EconB
  5828. Rand Journal of Economics
  5829. Recent Dev Alcohol
  5830. B!Recent Developments in Alcoholism
  5831. Reg AnesthB
  5832. Regional Anesthesia
  5833. Ren FailB
  5834. Renal Failure
  5835. Reprod ToxicolB
  5836. Reproductive Toxicology
  5837. Respir CareB
  5838. Respiratory Care
  5839. Respir MedB
  5840. Respiratory Medicine
  5841. ResuscitationB
  5842. Resuscitation
  5843. Rev Patient Focus Care AssocB'Review Patient Focused Care Association
  5844. Scand J Clin Lab InvestB=Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
  5845. Scand J GastroenterolB(Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
  5846. Scand J Gastroenterol SupplB3Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Supplement
  5847. Scand J Infect DisB+Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases
  5848. Scand J Prim Health CareB+Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
  5849. Scan J Prim Health Care SupplB6Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care Supplement
  5850. Scand J Rehabil MedB/Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
  5851. Scand J Rehabil Med SupplB:Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Supplement
  5852. Scand J RheumatolB$Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
  5853. Scand J Soc MedB'Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine
  5854. Scand J Urol NephrolB.Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology
  5855. Scand J Work Environ HealthB4Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
  5856. Schizophr BullB
  5857. Schizophrenia Bulletin
  5858. Schizophr ResB
  5859. Schizophrenia Research
  5860. Sci AmB
  5861. Scientific American
  5862. Sci Total EnvironB Science of the Total Environment
  5863. ScienceB
  5864. Science
  5865. Scott Med JB
  5866. Scottish Medical Journal
  5867. SeizureB
  5868. Seizure
  5869. Semin Arthritis RheumB&Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatology
  5870. Semin DermatolB
  5871. Seminars in Dermatology
  5872. Semin OncolB
  5873. Seminars in Oncology
  5874. Semin Pediatr SurgB
  5875. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery
  5876. Semin PerinatolB
  5877. Seminars in Perinatology
  5878. Semin Surg OncolB
  5879. Seminars in Surgical Oncology
  5880. Semin UrolB
  5881. Seminars in Urology
  5882. Semin Vasc SurgB
  5883. Seminars in Vascular Surgery
  5884. Sex Transm Surg
  5885. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  5886. SleepB
  5887. Sleep
  5888. Soc PolicyB
  5889. Social Policy
  5890. Soc Sci MedB
  5891. Social Science and Medicine
  5892. Soc Secur BullB
  5893. Social Security Bulletin
  5894. Soc WorkB
  5895. Social Work
  5896. Soc Work Health CareB
  5897. Social Work in Health Care
  5898. Soc Work ResB
  5899. Social Work Research
  5900. South Med JB
  5901. Southern Medical Journal
  5902. Spec Care DentistB
  5903. Special Care in Dentistry
  5904. Spec Law Dig Health Care (Mon)B+Specialty Law Digest, Health Care (Monthly)
  5905. Spec Law Dig Health Care LawB%Specialty Law Digest, Health Care Law
  5906. SpineB
  5907. Spine
  5908. Stanford Law RevB
  5909. Stanford Law Review
  5910. Stat Bull Metrop Insur CoB5Statistical Bulletin Metropolitan Insurance Companies
  5911. Stat MedB
  5912. Statistics in Medicine
  5913. Stereotact Funct NeurosurgB(Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
  5914. Strateg Healthc ExcellB$Strategies for Healthcare Excellence
  5915. StrokeB
  5916. Stroke
  5917. Support Care CancerB
  5918. Supportive Care in Cancer
  5919. Surg Clin North Am
  5920. *B!Surgical Clinics of North America
  5921. Surg EndoscB
  5922. Surgical Endoscopy
  5923. Surg Laparosc EndoscB"Surgical Laparoscopy and Endoscopy
  5924. Surg NeurolB
  5925. Surgical Neurology
  5926. Surg TechnolB
  5927. Surgical Technologist
  5928. SurgeryB
  5929. Surgery
  5930. Surv OphthalmolB
  5931. Survey of Ophthalmology
  5932. 1A    Theor MedB
  5933. Theoretical Medicine
  5934. ThoraxB
  5935. Thorax
  5936. Thromb HaemostB
  5937. Thrombosis and Haemostasis
  5938. TimeB
  5939. Top Health Care FinancB
  5940. Topics in Health Care Financing
  5941. Top Health Inf ManageB
  5942. Topics in Health Information
  5943. Top Hosp Pharm ManageB&Topics in Hospital Pharmacy Management
  5944. Toxicol Ind HealthB Toxicology and Industrial Health
  5945. Trans Am Ophthalmol SocB5Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society
  5946. Trans Stud Coll Physicians PhilBETransactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
  5947. Transfus MedB
  5948. Transfusion Medicine
  5949. Transfus Med RevB
  5950. Transfusion Medicine Reviews
  5951. TransfusionB
  5952. Transfusion
  5953. Transplant Proc
  5954. Transplantation Proceedings
  5955. TransplantationB
  5956. Transplantation
  5957. Trends Health Care Law EthicsB%Trends in Health Care, Law and Ethics
  5958. Ulster Med JB
  5959. Ulster Medical Journal
  5960. UrologyB
  5961. Urology
  5962. US News World RepB
  5963. US News and World report
  5964. VaccineB
  5965. Vaccine
  5966. Vital Health Stat 1B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 1
  5967. Vital Health Stat 2B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 2
  5968. Vital Health Stat 3B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 3
  5969. Vital Health Stat 4B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 4
  5970. Vital Health Stat 5B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 5
  5971. Vital Health Stat 6B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 6
  5972. Vital Health Stat 7B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 7
  5973. Vital Health Stat 8B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 8
  5974. Vital Health Stat 9B$Vital and Health Statistics Series 9
  5975. Vital Health Stat 10
  5976. NB%Vital and Health Statistics Series 10
  5977. Vital Health Stat 11B%Vital and Health Statistics Series 11
  5978. Vital Health Stat 12B%Vital and Health Statistics Series 12
  5979. Vital Health Stat 13B%Vital and Health Statistics Series 13
  5980. WHO Reg Publ Eur SerB*WHO Regional Publications, European Series
  5981. Woman HealthB
  5982. Woman and Health
  5983. Womens Health IssuesB
  5984. Womens Health Issues
  5985. World Health ForumB
  5986. World Health Forum
  5987. World HospB
  5988. World Hospitals
  5989. YesfkK
  5990.     Helvetica
  5991. Geneva